Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Counties Caucus

Facilitated by Carol Contrada, Lucas County Commissioner
TMACOG staff Tony Reams

Tina Skeldon Wozniak was appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees
Topics discussed were economic development, public transit, and the Environmental Planning department at TMACOG

Economic Development
JEDZ were approved by the EDA. This is good for economic development session in Monroe.
·        Best opportunity to collaborate across state lines.
·        How do we bring all the elected officials from all levels together?
·        MEDC (Michigan Economic Development Corporation) designation (6 counties)
o   Government initiated regional initiative

Public Transit
Counties recognize a need for public transit in northwest Ohio
·        Lake Erie transit looking for increase in Bedford Township and Frenchtown Township
·        Look in to health care providers – How are they involved to move their patients?
o   How do we fix this?
o   How do you coordinate ambulance / private rides?
o   Is there a way for a network to be established for hospital patients with regularly scheduled appointments?

  • A request for TMACOG to make initial contact with ProMedica to see if they are open to discussion.
  • Note that problem is not limited to ProMedica.
  • There needs to be an inventory of assets among transportation providers
  • Is there a report that shows what traffic flow is in and out of the MPO region? 
  • Identify the need for transportation.
  • Carol Contrada to contact Randy Oostra of ProMedica to see if they are interested and who to bring to the table.

Environmental Planning at TMACOG
TMACOG Environmental Program
·        Has a problem with sustainable funding
·        Revise program to be driven and focused on water quality
·        Recommendation of a significant dues increase (37%) to fund the water quality department
o   Driven by practitioners and filtered up through the Environmental Council
o   If it is structured this way the money won’t have to come from general funds and can be paid for out of enterprise funds
·        When approaching members for the increase be able to say what the new structure will be able to accomplish
·        Monroe County needs to be included in Environmental Planning discussions

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

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