Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Classifying Roads Affects Funding

Federal agencies sort roads into seven categories and those roads must be reviewed every 10 years. How roads are categorized determines federal appropriations TMACOG receives. The regional review is now underway at TMACOG.

TMACOG is addressing road classification in Lucas and Wood counties and parts of Fulton and Ottawa counties that fall in the Toledo Urbanized Area. TMACOG coordinates this project with the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) which is responsible for classification in Monroe County.

TMACOG Transportation Planner Lisa Householder said that with growth of suburban communities, traffic patterns have changed. She said,
“For example, Waterville has grown from a village to a city since we last reviewed streets. And the realignment of US 24 is completed. There will be classification changes there.”

The seven classes of roads are 1) interstates, 2) other freeways/expressways, 3)principal arterials, 4) minor arterials, 5) collectors, 6) minor collectors, and 7) local streets. Within urban areas, all but local streets are eligible for federal funds for upkeep. In rural areas, all except minor collectors and local streets are eligible. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments | www.tmacog.org

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