Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Townships Caucus

Facilitator of the Township Caucus Leslie Kohli, Springfield Township Administrator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Topics included State of Ohio legislative updates, group homes, annexation, sanitary sewers and septic systems. 

Attendees include:
·         Mark Hummer, Lake Township
·         Leslie Kohli, Springfield Township
·         Donald Sahloff, Whiteford Township
·         Walt Celley, Perrysburg Township
·         Steve Bettinger, Richfield Township
·         Andy Bick, Richfield Township
·         Marylin Yoder, Springfield Township
·         Tim Greenwood, Perrysburg Township

TMACOG support personnel include:
·         Bill Best, VP of Finance and Administration, TMACOG
·         Kari Gerwin, Environmental Planner, TMACOG

Township Nominations to the TMACOG Board of Trustees
·         Penny Getz, Middleton Township
·         Donald Sahloff, Whiteford Township
·         Walter Celley, Perrysburg Township
·         Andrew Bick, Richfield Township
·         Mark Hummer, Lake Township
·         Steve Bettinger, Richfield Township
·         John Crandall, Sylvania Township
·         Stephen Levorchick, Troy Township
·         Shawn Valentine, Spencer Township – not present, need confirmation
·         Stanley Baltz, Henry Township – not present, need confirmation

Legislative Update
·         SB 243 – The State of Ohio has allocated $10 million to townships, $5 million of which will be equally allocated among Ohio’s 1,308 townships. The other $5 million will be allocated based on the number of road miles each township owns.

·         SB 342 – Townships are allowed restricted authority to use red light cameras for traffic enforcement. Restrictions include the ability to issue tickets only if an officer personally witnesses a violation.
·         Lake Township is working to remove the 1950s law that prohibits townships from enforcing traffic laws on interstates. This effort has the backing of the Ohio State Highway Patrol and the Ohio Trucking Association.
·         Other legislation discussed included HB 5 (municipal tax reform), HB 661 (pay raises for elected officials died in lame duck session), and HB 10 (bill relating to continuing education requirements for township and municipal fiscal officers was signed by Governor)

Topics discussed during the caucus round table include the following:
  • ·         Recent legislation allows group homes for less than eight residents in any residentially zoned area. Springfield Township has recently changed zoning code to comply with the law. Problems that Springfield Township has experienced with the new law include complaints from current residents, group homes built significantly larger than single family homes in neighborhoods, problems accommodating parking. Ms. Kohli encouraged other townships to be proactive about this issue since the company operating the group home appears to be expanding.
  • ·         Members discussed other land use issues including trailer parks, bed and breakfasts, and adult businesses. Ms. Kohli recommended townships allow for these uses somewhere in their zoning codes to avoid law suits.
  • ·         Public Housing is exempt from taxation, so other means of offsetting costs of services were discussed. Springfield Township has more public housing than the other townships represented and has entered agreements with housing authorities to pay for these costs as a lump sum.
  • ·         Annexation issues were discussed including annexation without consent of property owner and providing fire and EMS services to annexed land. Methods for assessing payment for these services vary by township and include written agreements and tax assessments.
  • ·         Sanitary sewer and septic issues were discussed. Septic systems within 200 ft. of a sanitary line in Whiteford Township must connect. Some of these are tied to Sylvania, OH sanitary lines. Across Ohio, Health Departments have been charged with inspecting all properties with leach fields with enforcement requirements for non-compliant properties. One concern is that owners of new construction may pay higher construction costs to meet requirements, and then incur additional costs to tie in to new sewer lines later.

Ms. Kohli thanked the attendees for their participation and adjourned the meeting.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

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