Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Special Districts and Authorities Caucus

Board of Trustees Rep Election: Cher Johnson and Neil Munger elected
Discussion Topics: Innovative projects done to enhance communities

2015 Schools, Colleges & Universities Caucus

A large group of educators was in attendance in response to the theme of “Educating for Innovation”

Attendees represented
Toledo Public
Oregon Public
Terra Technical College
University of Toledo
Bowling Green State University
Wood County Educational Service Center
Penta Career Center
Owens Community College

2015 Non-governmental Members Caucus

Margaret Adams – FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison - Facilitator

Topics include: Long discussion of workforce development, updates since 2014 caucus

2015 Townships Caucus

Facilitator of the Township Caucus Leslie Kohli, Springfield Township Administrator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Topics included State of Ohio legislative updates, group homes, annexation, sanitary sewers and septic systems. 

2015 Villages Caucus

The village caucus members spent the majority of their time discussion interest in park and trails and what funding is available to improve facilities.

Facilitator: Gordon Bowman, Mayor of Pemberville. TMACOG staff: Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning

Election to the Board of Trustees:

2015 Cities Caucus

1.      Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Mike Beazley called the meeting to order.

Topics discussed included Non-resident Income Tax Legislation, House Bill 5, ShareOhio, Regional Water Authority.

2015 Counties Caucus

Facilitated by Carol Contrada, Lucas County Commissioner
TMACOG staff Tony Reams

Tina Skeldon Wozniak was appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees
Topics discussed were economic development, public transit, and the Environmental Planning department at TMACOG

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Presentations Posted from "Lake Erie: Sources and Solutions" forum

There was a lot of dense information presented at the January 22 forum on Lake Erie. The PowerPoint presentations are now posted on the Environment department pages of the TMACOG web. See the links here:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, January 15, 2015

TMACOG to present seminar: “Lake Erie Algae – Sources and Solutions”

The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) will hold a full-day seminar on the topic of Lake Erie’s harmful algal blooms Thursday, January 22, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at the TMACOG offices in the Grand Lobby of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza.  The seminar is part of a series of programs about Lake Erie that have been organized by the TMACOG Environmental Council. The January 22 meeting will describe both sources of harmful algal blooms and solutions to the problems as they are currently understood.

Safe Routes to School – New Funding Round

A new round of funds is available for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs. The SRTS program provides funds for safety projects that encourage or enable children in grades k-8, including those with disabilities, to walk or ride their bikes to school. Funds can be applied to infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. The application deadline is March 2.

In the TMACOG region, the City of Oregon has been successful in securing and putting SRTS funds to use.  The city added sidewalks and improved signage and pavement markings around Starr Elementary School and Fassett Middle School.

Full application requirements are posted here

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TMACOG General Assembly: Educating for Innovation: How Colleges and Universities Create Entrepreneurs

Join area educators, elected officials, business leaders, and economic development professionals for the TMACOG business meeting and caucus sessions, and this year with a focus on education. Registration is due by Friday, January 16.

General Assembly of the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of GovernmentsWednesday, January 21, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (registration at 8 a.m.) Holiday Inn French Quarter, Perrysburg
The Bowling Green State University, College of Business will provide the keynote.

Early Membership Renewals

Thank you to more than a dozen TMACOG members who renewed their 2015 membership even before 2014 was over. Your dues provide essential services.

Member dues fund those activities of TMACOG that are not funded by state or federal grants. Those activities include direct services to members such as the annually produced Directory of Public Officials. Dues also pay for local initiatives that TMACOG and its members want to do which are not part of any grant program. One example of an initiative is facilitating the discussion of a regional water authority.  And importantly, federal grants will not pay for food at committee meetings. So thank you members for supplying the cookies. 

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