Monday, November 23, 2015

Student Watershed Watch

Nearly 200 students from elementary school to high school met at the University of Toledo Scott Park Campus for the annual Student Watershed Watch Summit on Wednesday, November 18. They presented results of their water quality testing research and explored careers in environmental science.

The keynote speaker was Shannon Nabors, district chief of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Northwest Ohio District Office. Jim Blue, news director from WNWO NBC 24, was the master of ceremonies.

Sylvania Northview High School won the people’s choice award for best table top display and was also awarded best overall stage presentation by a panel of judges. The student presentation, “Miranda the Midge Fly” showed the students’ mastery of data, understanding of the results of the data, and correlation of cause and effect all in an engaging presentation that included video and illustration.

Navarre Elementary was the youngest team entry and was recognized as most informative for methodology and presentation of useful background material. Westside Montessori combined video and live performance based on Willy Wonka characters to share all their data and explain implications. They were recognized as most creative.

The Student Watershed Watch is supported by local sponsors including the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Toledo Refining Company, First Solar, GM, Chrysler Group, Fiat Chrysler Automotive, and NBC 24.

Winning presentations were:

Oral Presentations:
Best Overall Presentation
Sylvania Northview High School

Most Informative Presentation
Navarre Elementary – Life Sciences

Most Creative Presentation
Westside Montessori

Table Top Displays:
Overall Best Display
Sylvania Northview High School

Most Informative Display
Navarre Elementary

Most Creative Display
Westside Montessori

Kent Bekker of the Toledo Zoo, shows students the range of turtles
that can be found in Lucas County. Behind him is a softshell turtle
that uses its snout as a snorkel.

Master of ceremonies Jim Blue takes a question.

Student Watershed Watch Coordinator Matt Horvat speaks to the
media. He has managed the program for the last dozen years.

Students learned about sewage treatment from Patekka Banister,
an industrial waste control specialist with the City of Toledo’s Division
of Public Utilities

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Celebrating a new raingarden

Residents of the Junction Avenue neighborhood celebrated construction of a large rain garden planted with fruit trees and native plants, and including benches and stepping stones. The groundbreaking was Wednesday, November 18 on Hoag Street near Pickett Elementary School. The rain garden will be an educational opportunity for the four schools in the neighborhood.

Neighborhood leaders are at work on a revitalization plan. Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) has worked with residents to include green infrastructure in their plans

The rain garden was jointly funded by TMACOG, Partners for Clean Streams, the Lucas County Land Bank, and the Lake Erie Protection Fund.

Neighborhood leaders gathered to celebrate the start of the rain garden.

From left to right - Shantae Brownlee, vice president and director of community relations of Lucas County Land Bank; Sonia McNair, community member, parent of Jones School student, urban farmer and herbalist volunteer; Dr. Ward Barnett, principal of Jones Leadership Academy; Mr. Willie Ward principal and Mr. Willie White assistant principal of Martin Luther King Jr. Academy for Boys; Ms. Vivian Bush, community member of Junction Community Coalition leadership; Ms. Cindy Geronimo, director of City of Toledo code enforcement; and Ms. Alicia Smith, TMACOG Junction Community Liaison.  

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, November 12, 2015

News from the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority - Foreign Trade Zone Expanded

TOLEDO, Ohio, November 11, 2015 – The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority has been the grantee of the Foreign Trade Zone 8 since 1971 and has recently been approved for the reorganization and expansion of the Zone under the Alternative Site Framework to serve Erie, Fulton, Ottawa, Paulding and Williams counties. The addition of these counties now doubles the size of the current framework, which includes Sandusky, Henry, Wood, Lucas and Defiance Counties.

“The expansion of the Foreign Trade Zone Framework into Erie, Fulton, Ottawa, Paulding and Williams Counties provides economic development professionals in each of these counties with another tool for attracting and retaining companies that import materials for manufacturing and distribution,” said Paul Toth, President and CEO of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority. “The Foreign Trade Zone Program is a natural fit with our logistical advantages and strengthens the entire northwest Ohio region as we compete for new opportunities and developments.”

Companies within these counties that have a need for Foreign Trade Zone status will no longer have to wait for the traditional process of request, review and approval of a subzone, and will now enjoy an almost immediate extension of the Foreign Trade Zone benefits.

The Foreign Trade Zone Program is a trade program designed to offer certain specific benefits to the users. Each potential user must analyze the relevant facts and circumstances to determine and to quantify the potential benefits of operating or using a Foreign Trade Zone. Foreign Trade Zones are secured areas located in or near U.S. Customs ports of entry, but legally considered to be outside the customs territory. For additional information on Toledo’s Foreign Trade Zone Program, go to

It is the mission of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to continuously focus on job creation by leveraging our strategic geographic position, resources and economic development proficiency to provide increased business opportunities—built upon and around our innovative transportation and logistics expertise—while promoting our community and region within the global marketplace. We will accomplish this through unmatched speed and efficiency of service, collaborative and strategic partnerships, community stewardship and the continued generation and execution of new ideas and innovations. – 419.243.8251

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, October 30, 2015

Water Quality Council – Inaugural Meeting Nov. 4

The first meeting of the newly constituted TMACOG Water Quality Council is November 4, at 2 p.m. in the Grand Lobby of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, just outside TMACOG offices. Members of the Water Quality Council and its committees are asked to arrive by 1:30 p.m. for a meet-and-greet opportunity. The event will include keynote speakers from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Professionals working in water resource management, elected officials, water plant operators, park officials, conservancy groups, and people concerned with actions directed toward safe and healthy Lake Erie are invited to attend.

William Creal of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Karl Gephardt of the Ohio EPA will be keynote speakers at the inaugural meeting of TMACOG’s Water Quality Council, discussing public policies geared toward improving water quality in Lake Erie. A panel discussion following the keynotes featuring the leadership of TMACOG’s water quality sub-committees will focus on the role of local governments in protecting the lake and what policies TMACOG’s program committees should consider.

This is the first meeting of the Water Quality Council and an introduction to new sub-committees. TMACOG members have re-structured the environmental department to directly focus on water quality initiatives in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The sub-committees are:
  •         Public Water Supply
  •          Stormwater Coalition
  •          Wastewater
  •          Watersheds
  •          Regional Water Planning

There is no charge to attend but please call to register: Joy Minarcin 419.241.9155 ext. 128.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ribbon Cutting on the High Level Bridge

Local, state, and federal elected officials gathered with leaders from ODOT and the skilled trades today to celebrate the completion of the overhaul of the Anthony Wayne Bridge connecting east and west Toledo at the south end of downtown.

Ohio State Rep. Michael Sheehy, Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks Hudson, ODOT Director Jerry Wray, U.S. Representative Marcy Kaptur, and ODOT District 2 Director Todd Audet cut the ribbon on the bridge. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

See Green Infrastructure at Work in Cullen Park

The City of Toledo invites the public to come and learn about changes at Cullen Park in Point Place that will protect Lake Erie water.  Thursday, Oct. 29, 11 am  to 1 pm.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, October 9, 2015

Passenger Rail Forum - October 26

People interested in passenger rail travel and rail transit are invited to attend a program and luncheon to learn about recent innovations in the Midwest. The annual Passenger Rail Forum is Monday, October 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Toledo Club, 235 14th St., Toledo, OH. The program is organized by the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) and the Northwest Ohio Passenger Rail Association (NOPRA).

Call for Proposals - Safe Routes to School National Conference

What should transportation professionals be talking about at their April conference? Send your breakout session topics to They are looking for intersections showcasing where transportation and health meet. 

Organizers would like your ideas by October 31. The conference is April 5-7 in Columbus, OH.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, October 5, 2015

In Case of Flooding:

The Stormwater Action Group has compiled a page of frequently asked questions about household flooding. October is one of the rainiest months in our region and the storms of November can be legendary. Click this link for all the tips.

Or go the stormwater pages on the TMACOG website for even more stormwater information.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Passenger Rail Forum Looks at Streetcars in Cincinnati

People interested in passenger rail travel and rail transit are invited to attend a program and luncheon to learn about recent innovations in the Midwest. The annual Passenger Rail Forum is Monday, October 26, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Toledo Club, 235 14th St., Toledo, OH. The program is organized by the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) and the Northwest Ohio Passenger Rail Association (NOPRA). 

The keynote speaker for this year’s event is John Schneider with the City of Cincinnati Planning Commission. Mr. Schneider was a driving force behind the establishment of Cincinnati's new 3.6-mile streetcar. He will lay out the argument for a modern streetcar system and address the many challenges encountered throughout the project’s development. The project was challenged twice in ballot initiatives but citizens voted both times to move forward with it. Mr. Schneider will provide insight into what it takes to build a streetcar from both capital and political perspectives. A panel of regional voices will weigh in on the topic and answer audience questions.

Registration is preferred. Log on to Tickets are $30 for NOPRA members, $35 for non-members, and $20 for students. Payment will also be accepted at the door, space permitting. For more information, contact NOPRA at

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, October 2, 2015

TMACOG Tech: Being Prepared When Opportunity Knocks

People interested in economic development opportunities that cross the Ohio/Michigan border are invited to the next TMACOG Tech. Improvements to I-75 in both states and construction of the new Gordie Howe International bridge will increase the amount of traffic and goods exchanged in the region with opportunities for economic development.

TMACOG Tech: Being Prepared When Opportunity Knocks is Friday, October 16, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Monroe Bank & Trust, 10 Washington St., Monroe, MI. The last day for registration is Friday, October 9.  Register on the TMACOG website here. The fee is $25 and includes breakfast and lunch. Follow this link for parking information. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Invitation to Trail Users - Register by Oct. 7

Anyone involved in the planning, construction, and use of recreational trails is invited to attend and participate in Boots, Bikes & Boats. The program is Friday, October 9, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will be held at the Oberhaus Park Pavilion, 750 W. Maumee Ave. on the banks of the Maumee River in Napoleon. This is the second year for the program presented by Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor.

Registration fee is $45.00 and includes coffee, break snacks and a box lunch. Register as late as October 7. See registration information at this link or call 419-891-2222 with questions.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Congratulations City of Toledo - Safe Routes to School Grants

Safe Routes to School Projects Funded

The City of Toledo has been selected by ODOT to receive nearly $460,000 in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding for district-wide infrastructure improvements to make it safer for children to walk or bicycle to school. There are 40 elementary (K-8) schools in the Toledo Public School (TPS) District. The grant is the result of collaboration among Live Well Greater Toledo (a program of the Greater Toledo YMCA), the Toledo Public Schools, and the City of Toledo.

During this funding round, only 28 percent of Ohio applicants were awarded any funding at all and the TPS SRTS program received 100 percent of its funding request.
“The fact that the Toledo Public Schools SRTS program achieved one hundred percent funding speaks to the overall quality of the travel plan,” said Christine Connell, TMACOG staff for the Pedestrian and Bikeways Committee. “This is sure to get more students walking and biking to school.”

Small Communities Get Help With Blight

The Ohio EPA is offering a free workshop to inform small and rural communities of the state and federal resources available to help redevelop brownfields, or blighted properties. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Fort Piqua Plaza Banquet Center, 308 N Main St, Piqua, OH 45356. 

The speakers will present strategies for identifying and prioritizing brownfield properties; grants, loans and services available to help communities with brownfield redevelopment; and computer programs for brownfield management and grant writing.

Speakers from Ohio EPA, City of Piqua, Ohio Development Services Agency, JobsOhio, U.S. EPA, Great Lakes RCAP, USDA, and the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program (which provides assistance to small communities through a U.S. EPA grant) will address the following topics:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Careful How You Drain that Swimming Pool

The TMACOG Stormwater Coalition provides helpful information for people draining pools and hot tubs in preparation for cooler weather.

Many pool owners don’t know that draining pool water directly to the storm sewer can harm local creeks, rivers and lakes and the fish and wildlife that live in them. This is because pool water contains chlorine, copper, and filter backwash that, when discharged to a storm sewer, runs directly to ditches and streams without being treated.

Discharging chlorinated water through your sanitary drain is the best option because this allows the water to be treated before it enters natural water bodies. In most cases, the sewer rate is based on water use when you filled the pool, so you will not be charged an additional fee. On the other hand, you could incur fines for improperly draining pool water to the storm sewer. If your only option is to drain pool water to a storm sewer, use the steps below to avoid fines and make sure that your end of season pool maintenance does not harm our local waterways.

Step 1: Rest water. Let water sit for two weeks after the last chemical treatment to allow chlorine to break down and leave the water. Allow suspended solids to settle out of the water by keeping swimmers out of the pool for a week prior to draining. The water should not appear murky once suspended solids are settled out. Skim all leaves and algae from the water’s surface.

Step 2: Test water. Before draining, water should be near neutral (pH6.5-8.5) and free of chlorine, bromine and algaecides before discharging. Test kits are available at pool supply stores.

Step 3: Use water for irrigation. As much as you can, allow water to infiltrate through grass, gardens, or other permeable surfaces. You can use a hose to evenly distribute and direct water. Stop draining when lawn and vegetation are saturated and water begins to pond. Do not allow water to drain onto your neighbor’s property.

Step 4: Drain remaining water. After saturating grass and other vegetation, the remaining de-chlorinated pool water can be drained directly to the storm drain. To prevent soil erosion, make sure that water does not flow over bare soil. Only clear water should be flowing into storm drain. Settled solid materials should be properly disposed of in regular trash or compost and should not be discharged with pool water.

Step 5: Properly store chemicals. To avoid stormwater pollution and injury all chemicals should be sealed and stored off the ground away from potential moisture and water. Follow all storage instructions provided on bottles. When time comes to dispose of chemicals, contact your county hazardous waste disposal facility.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Risingsun's Village Council is a Little Different

In the village of Risingsun, there are two mayors and two city councils. Mayor Rick Whetsel works for the streets department; Mayor Paige Curlis enjoys bowling and Zumba. Whetsel has been mayor since 2001 and Curlis has been mayor since April, 2015. Whetsel drives to meetings and Curlis asks her mom, Alice Connor, for a ride because Paige Curlis is a 13-year-old student at Lakota Middle School. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Non-governmental Members - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – The meeting was held on August 5, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 1106 at Penta Career Center, 9301 Buck Road, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551.  Dennis McMickens, President & CEO of the Safety Council of Northwest Ohio and facilitator for the Non-governmental Members Caucus, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present.  Introductions were made by everyone present.

Special Districts - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Joseph Cappel, Director of Cargo Development with the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.

Schools & Universities Notes - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Rhonda Hogrefe, Adult Education Supervisor for Penta Career Center and facilitator for the School Districts and Colleges/Universities Caucus, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present. Twenty-four educators attended the session representing thirteen suburban and urban school districts, community colleges, and 4-year universities.
TMACOG members who were present included:

Townships Report - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Leslie Kohli, Springfield Township administrator and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.
TMACOG members who were present included:
·         Andy Bick – Trustee, Township of Richfield

Villages Report - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Gordon Bowman, Pemberville Village Mayor and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.
TMACOG members that were present included:
·         Donald Atkinson – Council Member, Village of Whitehouse

Cities Report - 2015 Summer Caucus

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Michael Beazley, Oregon City administrator and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.

TMACOG members who were present included:

·         Cecelia M.  Adams – Council Member At-Large, City of Toledo
·         Jim Bagdonas – Municipal Administrator, City of Waterville

County Report: Caucus and Forum for Lawmakers - August 2015

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Doris Herringshaw, Vice President of the Wood County Board of Commissioners and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.
TMACOG members who were present included:
·         Keith Earley – County Engineer, Wood County
·         Kenneth Fallows – Chair, TMACOG Water Quality Council and Representative, Lucas County

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nominations Sought for Natural Resources Assistance Council in Lucas County

The Lucas County Natural Resources Assistance Council District 12 (NRAC) is seeking nominations for four committee vacancies. The council is an 11-member committee that evaluates applications for and allocates grants from the Clean Ohio Fund in Lucas County. NRAC service is voluntary without compensation. The council is seeking nominations to fill four vacancies, serving three-year terms. TMACOG administers NRAC District 12 in Lucas County.

Qualified candidates can submit applications to TMACOG until August 14, 2015. To be a candidate for a position on the NRAC committee, an applicant must be appointed by one of the following types of organizations: 
  • Local government
  • Statewide organization representing agriculture or forestry
  • Conservation or environmental organization
  • Municipal park system or park district 
  • Business, realty, planning agency, or port authority
  • Soil and Water Conservation District
One nominee must be a representative from the park system or district category.
One other nominee must be a representative from a Soil and Water Conservation District.
The remaining two nominees may represent any of the above categories.
For more information about NRAC, please visit the websites and

Applicants should submit (1) the completed nomination form, (2) a resume, and (3) letter from their organization in support of their nomination. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on August 14, 2015. The nomination form is posted at:

For any questions, please contact Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning at TMACOG at 419.241.9155 ext. 126.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to Drive through a Roundabout Intersection

Even experienced, good drivers are a little confused when first encountering a roundabout. This video lets you try out a variety of scenarios to see how you should be maneuvering. One good tip is to select the proper lane before you enter the roundabout. You don't want to change lanes while you traverse the intersection. Enjoy!

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, July 20, 2015

TMACOG Civil Rights Policy

TMACOG is required to regularly review and update the Title VI policy to state how the agency will comply with non-discrimination regulations. The new draft copy of the TMACOG policy is posted for public review on, under the Policy tab. The link is here

The updated policy describes how TMACOG includes a broad range of the interested public in planning activities and accommodates people with physical handicaps and language challenges. The policy includes forms and a complaint procedure for anyone who feels that they have been discriminated against based on protected status.  

Comments on the draft policy can be addressed to Bill Best, vice president of finance and administration and the staff person responsible for compliance, through Wednesday, September 2. E-mail or call 419.241.9155 ext. 108.

“No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Funding Available for Transportation Projects

TMACOG is soliciting transportation improvement projects to submit for funding through Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program. Applications are due July 24.

The Ohio statewide urban CMAQ committee is looking to fill funds for FY 2021. TMACOG is soliciting and scoring applications from Lucas and Wood counties. These regional projects will later be ranked statewide with Ohio's seven other Metropolitan Planning Organization submissions.

The available CMAQ funds for FY 2021 is approximately $57,000,000 statewide. Samples of projects that have been successful in applying for CMAQ funding include roundabouts, intersection improvements (adding turn lanes, signalization, etc.), transit improvements (bus replacements), road widening by adding lanes, and some bicycle projects.

Applications are posted here: under the TIP logo. Submit completed forms to TMACOG Transportation Planner Lance Dasher at 419.241.9155 ext. 115.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Seeking Nominations for Clean Ohio Fund Committee

The Lucas County Natural Resources Assistance Council District 12 (NRAC) is seeking nominations for four committee vacancies. The council is an 11-member committee that evaluates applications for and allocates grants from the Clean Ohio Fund in Lucas County. NRAC service is voluntary without compensation. The council is seeking nominations to fill four vacancies, serving three-year terms.

Qualified candidates can submit applications to TMACOG until August 14, 2015. TMACOG administers NRAC District 12 in Lucas County. To be a candidate for a position on the NRAC committee, an applicant must be appointed by one of the following types of organizations:

  •  Local government
  •  Statewide organization representing agriculture or forestry
  •  Conservation or environmental organization
  • Municipal park system or park district 
  • Business, realty, planning agency, or port authority
  • Soil and Water Conservation District
One nominee must be a representative from the park system or district category.
One other nominee must be a representative from a Soil and Water Conservation District.
The remaining two nominees may represent any of the above categories.

For more information about NRAC, please visit the websites and

Applicants should submit (1) the completed nomination form, (2) a resume, and (3) letter from their organization in support of their nomination. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on August 14, 2015. The nomination form is posted at:

For any questions, please contact Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning at TMACOG at 419.241.9155 ext. 126.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Are You Leaking?

The annual Gas Cap Testing and Replacement program is underway at filling stations around Lucas, Wood, and Monroe counties. Bring your passenger car or light truck in and have that cap checked. You could be wasting gas and adding to air pollution.

Here's the schedule for the rest of June. Additional dates and locations to come in July.

Thursday, June 18......... Circle K, 103 Anthony Wayne Trail, Waterville......... 1-3 p.m.

Tuesday, June 23.......... True North/Shell, 1000 Buck Rd., Rossford............... 1-3 p.m.

Wednesday, June 24..... Circle K, 6775 Dorr St., Toledo.................................. 2-4 p.m.
(June 24 is a LIVE RADIO REMOTE with the River and I heart Radio)

Thursday, June 25,........ Kroger 3462 Sterns Rd., Lambertville, MI .........1-3 p.m.

City of Toledo Division of Environmental Services interns do a compression test and note the make and model of vehicles tested. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Joint Action Plan to Address Lake Nutrients Released

Ann Arbor, Mich. – Following months of work through the Great Lakes Commission, the Lake Erie Nutrient Targets (LENT) Working Group, comprised of the four states bordering the lake (Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York) and the province of Ontario released today a nine-step interim Joint Action Plan for nutrient reduction. The interim Joint Action Plan complements and provides additional detail to the Collaborative Agreement signed by the western basin governors of Michigan and Ohio and the premier of Ontario on June 13.The nine steps in the interim Joint Action Plan address:
  • Application of fertilizer and manure on frozen and snow-covered ground
  • The 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Certification program and similar comprehensive management approaches
  • Discharges of phosphorus from seven key municipal facilities in the western and central basin
  • Investments in green infrastructure for urban stormwater and agricultural runoff
  • Open water disposal of dredged material
  • Performance-based incentives to reduce nutrients
  • Residential phosphorus fertilizer
  • Adaptive management to validate and refine reduction targets and timelines
  • Collaboration toward an integrated monitoring and modeling network.
The working group webpage is here.

The press release with full details is here.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, June 12, 2015

AREIS Training Offered

The Lucas County Auditor has made significant upgrades to the Auditor’s Real Estate Information System (AREIS). Winston Chester from the auditor’s office will provide a 60-minute introduction to the new system at TMACOG offices, Thursday, June 25 at 2 p.m. AREIS is used by realtors, builders, surveyors, engineers, and others working in the public sector in Lucas County. The training is free but seating is limited. To register please contact: Roger Streiffert at 419.241.9155 ext. 122.

The new AREIS system will be online in July. After the upgrade is released, the DVD version will no longer be available.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Toledo Mayor Discussing Junction Ave. Urban Waters Project

Toledo Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson was at the Cities Conference in Pittsburgh today talking about the Junction Avenue Urban Waters Project. This project involves the neighborhood residents in learning about green infrastructure and designing stormwater improvements for their neighborhood. See the photo and learn more about the project here.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gas Cap Testing - Locations and Dates

Drivers interested in saving gas and protecting air quality can have their vehicle gas cap checked at locations in southern Michigan, and Lucas and Wood counties in June and July. 

The City of Toledo Division of Environmental Services will do a compression test on gas caps of passenger cars and light duty trucks. The test takes only a few minutes. Any cap that is leaky - or missing altogether - will be replaced for free. Gasoline vapors are one component that leads to development of ground level ozone, or smog. A leaky cap can also cost a driver up to two tanks of gas per year. 

Drivers are invited to stop by any of the locations at the dates listed below. The schedule is also posted on the TMACOG website here

Tuesday, June 9............ True North/Shell, 4310 W. Central, Toledo................ 2-4 p.m.

Wednesday, June 10..... True North/Shell, 5855 Weckerly Rd., Whitehouse.... 1-3 p.m.

Thursday, June 11......... Kroger, 2257 Holland-Sylvania Rd., Toledo.............. 2-4 p.m.

Tuesday, June 16.......... Barney’s, 5821 N. Detroit Ave., Toledo..................... 2-4 p.m.

Wednesday, June 17..... Kroger, 27386 Carronade Dr., Perrysburg.................. 1-3 p.m.

Thursday, June 18......... Circle K, 103 Anthony Wayne Trail, Waterville......... 1-3 p.m.

Tuesday, June 23.......... True North/Shell, 1000 Buck Rd., Rossford............... 1-3 p.m.

Wednesday, June 24..... Circle K, 6775 Dorr St., Toledo.................................. 2-4 p.m.
LIVE REMOTE with the River and I Heart Radio

Thursday, June 25, ....... Kroger 3462 Sterns Rd., Lambertville, MI................. 1-3 p.m.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, June 8, 2015

Toledo Part of Case Study on Green Infrastructure

A free webinar offered by Ohio Sea Grant assesses green infrastructure costs and benefits in Toledo and Duluth, Minnesota. The seminar is Tuesday, June 16, noon to 1 pm. To register click here. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, May 29, 2015

Partners Celebrate Successful Wetland Project

Public and private partners gathered Wednesday, May 27 at Maumee Bay State Park to celebrate a project that will improve water quality at the Lake Erie beaches. The grand opening celebration allowed participating partners to talk about how they worked together to address the problems of bacteria and excess nutrients in Wolf Creek. 

After years of study, design, and construction, a treatment wetland and sedimentation pond are showing excellent results in capturing and treating bacteria and nutrients. See more about the project in the TMACOG Big Picture. 

Pictured below: Leader of the wetlands project Dr. Daryl Dwyer, a University of Toledo associate professor and director of the Environmental Remediation and Restoration Laboratory at the Lake Erie Center; Dr. Nagi Naganathan, Interim University President and Dean of College of Engineering at the University of Toledo; Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, and Bill Petruzzi, Principal at Hull and Associates, Inc.  

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Navarre Students Mentored by Chrysler Employees

Eighth graders at Navarre Elementary learned how to collect and test water samples on a beautiful May morning. The class, taught by Melody Tsapranis, is supported by Chrysler which provides testing supplies and transportation to the testing site at Side Cut Park. Below, Chrysler's environmental health and safety manager, Tom Vallone, demonstrates how to collect samples, seine for macroinvertebrates, and chart results.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, May 8, 2015

Stormwater Webcast Series

There are three more stormwater webcasts remaining in 2015. These programs, prepared by the Center for Watershed Protection, have been valuable for stormwater managers, engineers, and others concerned with protecting water quality and preventing flooding.
Complete descriptions of the individual webcasts are posted on the TMACOG website here. The presentations are free – paid for with Stormwater Coalition dues. However, registration is required for each webcast. For more information, contact TMACOG stormwater planner Kari Gerwin at 419.241.9155 ext. 103.

Wednesday, June 10, 1-2:30 p.m.
Multi-Sector & Industrial Stormwater Permits
City of Toledo Engineering Services 600 Jefferson Ave. Suite 300

Wednesday, September 16, 1-2:30 p.m.
What to Do About Trashy Watersheds
City of Toledo Engineering Services 600 Jefferson Ave. Suite 300

Wednesday, November, 18, 1-2:30 p.m.
Checking in on Post-Construction Stormwater Management
City of Toledo Engineering Services 600 Jefferson Ave. Suite 300

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

More Bike Month Fun - in the Oak Openings Region

From Oak Openings Blue Week activities: 

Join the Toledo Area Bicyclists for the third annual Big Blue Rendezvous as you ride approximately 43 miles through some of the most diverse and unique habitat on the planet. Ride pace will be 18-20 mph and lunch will generously be provided by Davey Tree. Contact Rick at for further information.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Blue Week in the Oak Openings Region

Tree planting, all about bats, bird banding, bar-b-que, turtles of the wet prairies. There is a lot to learn in a week of special programs all about the Oak Openings Region.  See all the details at the link.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Take a Survey About Public Transit

The Ability Center of Greater Toledo is collecting statistics about how people use public transit in a seven-county region. You will help by completing an on-line survey.
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo is a non-profit Center for Independent Living serving northwest Ohio. Their mission is to assist people with disabilities to live, work and socialize within a fully accessible community.

The link to the survey is here:  Click or cut and paste into your browser.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

May is Bike Month!

Before you take your first spring bicycle ride, make sure that your ride is in good, safe, shape with an ABC Quick Check. The following area bike shops are participating in Bike Month and will do a free check for you. 

ABC Quick Check: air, brakes, cranks & chain, quick releases, check out the bike. The handy rider can do the check at home with basic tools. Or stop by one of the following shops for a free quick check. Call for their hours of service.

• The Bike Route – 5201 Monroe St., Toledo | 419-885-3030
• BikeWorks - 5631 Alexis Rd., Sylvania | 419-882-0800
• Elmore Cycle and Fitness - 453 Maple St., Elmore | 419-862-1000
• Fremont Cycle and Fitness - 107 N. Ohio Ave., Fremont | 419-332-4481
• Mountain Man Sports - 2735 N. Reynolds Rd., Toledo | 419-536-0001
• Spoke Life Cycles - 26597 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg | 419-931-9919
• Toledo Bikes! – 1114 Washington St., Toledo | 419-386-6090
• Wersells – 2860 W. Central Ave., Toledo 419-474-7412

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Long- and Short-term Transportation Plans Up for Approval May 6

The TMACOG Transportation Council will vote on two fundamental transportation planning programs at its May 6 meeting. Both the FY 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Program (the TIP), and the “On the Move: 2015-2045 Transportation Long Plan” are up for approval. The meeting is open to the public.

The TIP is the short range plan that schedules and manages federally funded transportation facilities and services in Lucas and Wood counties. It is updated every two years by TMACOG in cooperation with cities and counties and with federal agencies. The draft TIP is posted here.

The 2045 Plan is the long range plan. Like the TIP, it is federally mandated. The long range plan is a prioritized list of projects, initiatives, and policies that will guide transportation investment in the Toledo metropolitan area (Lucas and Wood counties in Ohio, and southern Monroe County in Michigan). Read more about how the 2045 Plan was created and link to the draft plan here.

Both the TIP and the 2045 Plan involved extensive public input and meetings with transportation stakeholders. The Transportation Council meeting is May 6 at 3 p.m. in the TMACOG Boardroom. All TMACOG council meetings are open to the public.

For more information about the TIP, contact Transportation Planner Lance Dasher, 419.241.9155 ext. 115. For information about the 2045 Plan contact Acting Vice President of Transportation David Gedeon, 419.241.9155 ext. 125.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, April 24, 2015

TMACOG and SEMCOG in Monroe County

The Monroe Evening News covered a meeting of the Monroe County Commissioners that featured presentations from TMACOG  and SEMCOG, its partner agency in Michigan. SEMCOG is the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. The topic was economic development potential created by widening of I-75 and a new international bridge to Canada.

See the Monroe Evening News story here.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Clean Ohio Grants Announced

The Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC), administered by TMACOG, has announced its recommendations for the current round of Clean Ohio Fund Conservation Grants in Lucas County. Clean Ohio funds total $1,282,749 for this round. Including local match of $431,000, the projects funded are valued at $1,721,275. (There is a shortfall on the Reynolds Corners project of $7,526). The recommendations are listed in priority order.

1) Metroparks of the Toledo Area – Oak Openings Frankfort
Total Cost: ............ $130,675
Clean Ohio Share: .. $98,000
Local Match: .......... $32,675
Acres Protected: .............. 12

2) Nature Conservancy – Kitty Todd Brick Tract
Total Cost: ............ $101,700
Clean Ohio Share: .. $76,275
Local Match: .......... $25,425
Acres Protected: .............. 16

3) Metroparks of the Toledo Area – Swan Creek
Total Cost: ............ $196,875
Clean Ohio Share: $147,000
Local Match: .......... $49,875
Acres Protected: ................ 9

4) Metroparks of the Toledo Area – Reynolds Corners
Total Cost: ......... $1,292,025
Clean Ohio Share: $961,474
Local Match: ........ $323,025
Acres Protected: .............. 32

Clean Ohio Funds will be used to acquire open space for preservation, either by purchase or permanent conservation easement. For each grant, a minimum 25 percent local match was required.

Since the program was approved by Ohio voters in 2000, more than $9 million has been returned to Lucas County for the preservation of open space. Projects have preserved wetlands, enlarged park areas, and protected rare habitat in the Oak Openings Region. See details of the application and evaluation process on the TMACOG website here.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, April 17, 2015

Member Thanks

TMACOG extends its thanks to Republic Services for the sponsorship of the April 17 TMACOG Tech session. That program provided Ohio Sunshine Laws training at Owens Community College. Sponsorship allowed TMACOG members and others to get required training close to home. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, April 2, 2015

TMACOG Projects in the News

Train Day Toledo and Bike Month will be topics on news broadcasts airing on Toledo area Cumulus Radio . Bill Gill is Chairman of National Train Day Toledo and Regional Coordinator for All Aboard Ohio. He talked with radio news director London Mitchell about the May 2 Train Day Toledo event. Lance Dasher, TMACOG transportation planner, was invited to talk about Bike Month events which include Bike to School Day (May 6) and Bike to Work Day (May 15).

Alicia Smith, working with TMACOG as the Junction Urban Waters Project Community Liaison will be on Toledo News Now, Saturday morning April 11. She'll be talking about green infrastructure and how Junction Avenue neighbors are working to include beautiful, useful, green spaces in their revitalization plan.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wolf Creek Watershed Septic System Education

TMACOG and a group of local partners have begun work on a new project to improve water quality in the Wolf Creek watershed near Lake Erie by providing education about the operation of home sewage treatment systems and other on-site systems. 

Research has shown that bacteria in Wolf Creek has a direct impact on the Lake Erie beaches at Maumee Bay State Park.  Many steps have already been taken to reduce bacteria in the waterway. In recent years, the City of Oregon constructed 11 miles of sanitary sewer lines and eliminated about 600 septic systems. However, in the primarily rural area remaining septic systems cannot be eliminated by connecting to sewers. Older or failing septic systems are thought to be a source of some ongoing bacterial contamination of the watershed. The goal of the new project is to ensure that remaining septic systems are well-maintained and in good repair to reduce off-site sewage discharges.

The educational campaign will include evaluation of home systems and explanation of how the various types of systems work. Part of the evaluation is a dye test. Bright color biodegradable dye is released at the top of the system in the home. Then the property owner or inspector looks to see if the dye has migrated to nearby ditches or waterways. When dye disperses outside of the septic system, the property owner knows that maintenance or repair is needed.

The watershed septic education program addresses households in Oregon and Jerusalem Township that are in the 16-square-mile watershed. Partners in the program include TMACOG, the City of Oregon, Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, and Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Volunteer opportunity: storm drain stenciling

From Partners for Clean Streams

Storm Drain Marking for Global Youth Service Day is approaching and registration is now open!

On Saturday, April 18, join the dozens of volunteers that will be marking storm drains with a clear message to citizens that “Drains are for Rain, Flows to Waterway” and passing out informational door hangers. Join us from 9a.m.-noon marking the storm drains in preselected jurisdictions all around the greater Toledo area to protect our streams from pollution.

An Appreciation Picnic will be held at 12:30 p.m. at the Mud Hens Stadium as part of Global Youth Service Day for all volunteers. If weather does not permit us to mark the drains on April 18, a rainout date is scheduled for April 25.

Please check out the Storm Drain Marking flyer and registration form to register or visit our webpage for more details. The deadline for registration is April 3rd, so don’t wait!

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Public Officials and Community Leaders Invited to Economic Development Seminar

The University of Toledo Urban Affairs Center is inviting TMACOG members to attend a seminar Friday, March 27, 2-4:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, on the UT Health Science Campus. The topic is "Leading Economic Development: A Toolkit for Public Officials and Civic Leaders."

Keynote speakers are Dr. Daniel M. Johnson, UT President Emeritus, and Lee Fisher, former Ohio Lieutenant Governor and president, CEOs for Cities. There will also be a panel discussion with local experts in economic development from the public and private sectors. Dr. Johnson is the author of a new book on the topic which is being published by UT Press.

To register contact Barbara Floyd, director of UT Press at 419.530.2170 or visit the UT Urban Affairs Center on line at

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tools Smaller Communities Can Use to Improve Water Services

See the presentations from the recent Shared Services seminar here.

Learn how villages, townships, and special districts can partner to improve water supply and treatment while lowering operating costs. The presentations also touch on legal issues involved and master plans for water and sewage. All provided by the partners of SCEIG: Small Communities Environmental Infrastructure Group:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, February 20, 2015

Stormwater - Annual Report 2014

It was a busy year for stormwater planners in northwest Ohio. Read the TMACOG report and see photos from 2014 at the link here.

Presentations and other meeting materials from 2014 can be found on the program webpage:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Special Districts and Authorities Caucus

Board of Trustees Rep Election: Cher Johnson and Neil Munger elected
Discussion Topics: Innovative projects done to enhance communities

2015 Schools, Colleges & Universities Caucus

A large group of educators was in attendance in response to the theme of “Educating for Innovation”

Attendees represented
Toledo Public
Oregon Public
Terra Technical College
University of Toledo
Bowling Green State University
Wood County Educational Service Center
Penta Career Center
Owens Community College

2015 Non-governmental Members Caucus

Margaret Adams – FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison - Facilitator

Topics include: Long discussion of workforce development, updates since 2014 caucus

2015 Townships Caucus

Facilitator of the Township Caucus Leslie Kohli, Springfield Township Administrator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Topics included State of Ohio legislative updates, group homes, annexation, sanitary sewers and septic systems. 

2015 Villages Caucus

The village caucus members spent the majority of their time discussion interest in park and trails and what funding is available to improve facilities.

Facilitator: Gordon Bowman, Mayor of Pemberville. TMACOG staff: Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning

Election to the Board of Trustees:

2015 Cities Caucus

1.      Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – Mike Beazley called the meeting to order.

Topics discussed included Non-resident Income Tax Legislation, House Bill 5, ShareOhio, Regional Water Authority.

2015 Counties Caucus

Facilitated by Carol Contrada, Lucas County Commissioner
TMACOG staff Tony Reams

Tina Skeldon Wozniak was appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees
Topics discussed were economic development, public transit, and the Environmental Planning department at TMACOG

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Presentations Posted from "Lake Erie: Sources and Solutions" forum

There was a lot of dense information presented at the January 22 forum on Lake Erie. The PowerPoint presentations are now posted on the Environment department pages of the TMACOG web. See the links here:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, January 15, 2015

TMACOG to present seminar: “Lake Erie Algae – Sources and Solutions”

The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) will hold a full-day seminar on the topic of Lake Erie’s harmful algal blooms Thursday, January 22, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at the TMACOG offices in the Grand Lobby of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza.  The seminar is part of a series of programs about Lake Erie that have been organized by the TMACOG Environmental Council. The January 22 meeting will describe both sources of harmful algal blooms and solutions to the problems as they are currently understood.

Safe Routes to School – New Funding Round

A new round of funds is available for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs. The SRTS program provides funds for safety projects that encourage or enable children in grades k-8, including those with disabilities, to walk or ride their bikes to school. Funds can be applied to infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects. The application deadline is March 2.

In the TMACOG region, the City of Oregon has been successful in securing and putting SRTS funds to use.  The city added sidewalks and improved signage and pavement markings around Starr Elementary School and Fassett Middle School.

Full application requirements are posted here

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TMACOG General Assembly: Educating for Innovation: How Colleges and Universities Create Entrepreneurs

Join area educators, elected officials, business leaders, and economic development professionals for the TMACOG business meeting and caucus sessions, and this year with a focus on education. Registration is due by Friday, January 16.

General Assembly of the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of GovernmentsWednesday, January 21, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (registration at 8 a.m.) Holiday Inn French Quarter, Perrysburg
The Bowling Green State University, College of Business will provide the keynote.

Early Membership Renewals

Thank you to more than a dozen TMACOG members who renewed their 2015 membership even before 2014 was over. Your dues provide essential services.

Member dues fund those activities of TMACOG that are not funded by state or federal grants. Those activities include direct services to members such as the annually produced Directory of Public Officials. Dues also pay for local initiatives that TMACOG and its members want to do which are not part of any grant program. One example of an initiative is facilitating the discussion of a regional water authority.  And importantly, federal grants will not pay for food at committee meetings. So thank you members for supplying the cookies. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |