Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Nominations Sought for Natural Resources Assistance Council in Lucas County

The Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) is an 11-member committee that evaluates applications for and allocates grants from the Clean Ohio Fund in Lucas County. The council is seeking nominations to fill 4 vacancies, serving three-year terms. NRAC service is voluntary without compensation.

To be a candidate for a position on the NRAC committee, an applicant must be appointed by one of the following types of organizations:
  • Local government
  • Conservation or environmental organization
  • Municipal park system or park district
  • Business, realty, planning agency, or port authority
  • Statewide organization representing agriculture or forestry
  • Soil and Water Conservation District

Qualified candidates can submit applications to the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) until 5 p.m. August 24, 2018. TMACOG administers NRAC District 12 in Lucas County. Applicants should submit the completed nomination form, a resume, and letter from their organization in support of their nomination. The nomination form is posted at http://clean.ohio.gov/GreenSpaceConservation/Documents/nrac.nomination.form.pdf.
The Clean Ohio Fund was first approved by voters in 2000, and was renewed in 2018. The fund calls for $40 million to preserve natural areas and farmland, protects streams, create outdoor recreation opportunities, and rehabilitate brownfields in urban areas. Between 2000 and 2018, the Clean Ohio fund returned more than $15 million to Lucas County for the protection of open spaces and wetlands.
More about the Clean Ohio Fund and NRAC/12 are at http://www.tmacog.org/Environment/NRAC/nrac_body.htm  and http://www.pwc.state.oh.us/GSCDistrict12.html. For more information, contact Sara Guiher, Water Quality Planner at TMACOG at 419.241.9155 ext. 1147, or guiher@tmacog.org.

Submit completed applications to:
Sara Guiher
Water Quality Planner
P.O. Box 9508

Toledo OH 43697-9508
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments | www.tmacog.org

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Corporate Travel Survey

The Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Center for Regional Development at Bowling Green State University are assisting the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority in their efforts to secure additional flights from Toledo Express Airport. 

Business travel is a major determining factor in an airline's decision to open new routes and we need your feedback. In 2016, the Chamber and Port Authority partnered for a survey of Chamber members to gauge interest in service to Charlotte. The results of that survey helped secure nonstop service on American Airlines to Charlotte in 2017! Please take a few moments to complete this short corporate travel survey

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments | www.tmacog.org