2019 General Assembly Non-Governmental Members Caucus
Monday, January 28, 2019
Holiday Inn French Quarter Perrysburg

to Order/Welcome/Introductions – The
Non-Governmental Members Caucus met on January 28,
2019 at 8:30 a.m. in Depot Track 5 at the Holiday Inn French Quarter, located
at 10630 Fremont Pike in Perrysburg, Ohio. Facilitator of the Non-Governmental Caucus and Safety
Council of Northwest Ohio President & CEO Dennis McMickens called the
meeting to order and welcomed everyone present.
TMACOG Members in attendance included:
Laurie Adams – Managing Principal & Traffic Engineer, DGL
Consulting Engineers, LLC
Meg Adams – External Affairs Manager, FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison
Edgar Avila – EVP, AAA Northwest Ohio Region/AAA Club Alliance,
Zane Daniels – Manager, Local Government Affairs, Columbia Gas of
Meghan Gallagher – Regional Business Development Coordinator, Ohio
Tom Galloway – Political Advisor, Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and Trainmen
Traci Hernandez – Director of Marketing and Business Development, DGL
Consulting Engineers, LLC
Dennis McMickens – President & CEO, Safety Council of
Northwest Ohio
Hans Rosebrock – Manager, Economic Development and External
Affairs, FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison
Philip Rudolph – VP New Business Development, Rudolph Libbe Group
Laura Saunders-Kowalec – V.P./Govt. Banking Relationship Manager,
Huntington Bank
Kathy Streng – Business Development, DLZ Corportation
Yvonne Thoma-Patton – Executive Director, Eastern Maumee Bay Chamber
of Commerce
Julie Thomas – Senior Project Manager, CT Consultants, Inc.
Lisa Wagner – Commercial Loan Officer, Monroe Bank and Trust
Sandy Wiechman – Coordinator, Wood County Safe Communities
Non-TMACOG member(s) included:
Lu Cook – Northwest Ohio Regional Liaison, Office of Lieutenant Governor
Jon Husted
Ed Heilman – Pastor, Park Congregational United Church of Christ
- John
Krochmalny – Science Alliance-SAVE & MFC of NW Ohio
Destrey Roeber – Sales, Advanced Drainage Systems
- Stephen Way –
Regional Marketing Director, Bergmann Associates
TMACOG support personnel included:
Roger Streiffert – Transportation Planner
Lisa Householder – Transportation Planner/Database Analyst
Nomination of Representatives to the
TMACOG Board of Trustees – A motion was approved by Zane Daniels and
seconded by Tom Galloway to elect the following people to serve as trustees and
alternates on the Board of Trustees for 2019; the motion was approved
Meg Adams – FirstEnergy/Toledo Edison
Edgar Avila – AAA Northwest Ohio Region/AAA Alliance Club
Rachel Bach – President and CEO, ConnecToledo
Frank Butwin – Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor
Larry Fioritto, Perstorp Polyols, Inc.
Michael Jay – Regional Growth Partnership
Thomas Mackin, Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
Dennis McMickens –Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
David Nunn, Eastman & Smith Ltd.
Laura Saunders-Kowalec – Huntington Bank
Roberta Streiffert – Great Lakes Community Action Partnership
Yvonne Thoma-Patton, Eastern Maumee Bay Chamber of Commerce
Ruthann House – Great Lakes Community Action Partnership
Bob Kazmierczak – AAA
Northwest Ohio Region/AAA Alliance Club
David Kuhn – Feller, Finch
& Associates, Inc.
Tiffany Whitlow – Safety Council of Northwest Ohio
Discussion Topics – The caucus members spent a
majority of the meeting discussing various discussion topics, including the
purpose and benefits of the non-governmental caucus, the impact of Lake Erie
water quality, and public transportation as it relates to economic vitality.
Some commentary included:
and benefits of the TMACOG Non-governmental caucus –
the request of AAA, TMACOG formed a new committee dedicated to planning for
autonomous vehicle technology and related infrastructure needs in this region.
The committee had its first meeting earlier in January.
from non-governmental members is important for TMACOG as staff develops
projects and policies in the long range transportation plan.
convened with several stakeholders to apply two regional projects for DriveOhio
grant funding. One involves parking and transit in downtown Toledo and the
other involves roadside units on I-475 that will sense traffic incidents and
construction slow downs (during the Dorr Street interchange project). Both projects
are currently under consideration by DriveOhio.
was a request for TMACOG to map electric vehicle charging stations throughout
our region. The data has been collected and a draft map exists.
partners are involved in TMACOG committees, such as the Maumee Valley
Adventurers Club is a member of the Bicycle and Pedestrian committee.
and the City of Toledo have put money towards a study looking at implementing
passenger rail service between Toledo and Detroit.
noted this caucus is a great opportunity for networking with each other and
creating important partnerships throughout the region.
of Lake Erie water quality on tourism and economic development in the region –
Science Alliance for Valuing the Environment (SAVE) has taken the position that
Lake Erie will see a similar future that has occurred in the Grand Lake St.
Mary’s region (cannot swim or eat fish from that water).
anyone developing technology to address the algae? Some technology exists to
tackle the algal blooms, but it hasn’t taken off in our region yet. There is a
filter being used in the Chesapeake Bay area that has seen some success. There
is another technology that targets storm drains so the water runoff is treated
before it reaches the natural waterways. A professor at a university in Florida
developed a system to filter phosphates on agricultural fields.
is a direct economic impact when the lake us unhealthy.
farmers on family owned farms work additional part- or full-time jobs. So, it
is important to separate smaller, family owned farms from the much larger
commercial farms when applying these technologies.
systems are also an issue. The University of Toledo is using satellite imagery
to look at blooms during times of low or no rainfall (when there is no runoff)
and it can be detected on the imagery that septic tanks contribute to the
is the responsibility of everyone to think of solutions to this problem, not
just representatives in government.
suggestion that TMACOG get the agricultural community involved in TMACOG
committees to tackle this problem (including farmers and companies, such as The
Andersons, that are large fertilizer producers). In addition, the AgVenture
event held biennially by the Wood Soil and Water Conservation District would be
good to be involved in.
importance of public transportation as it relates to economic vitality and
development –
group in Wood County is trying to get seamless connectivity countywide.
needs to be a truly regional system.
is a transportation gap for many college-aged students.
companies have difficulty attracting and retaining employees, so they are
setting up their own transportation systems to get people to/from work. One
example is Quicken Loans based in Detroit, has a bus that transports employees to/from
the Toledo area.
is not enough money allocated toward public transportation in the state of
Ohio, so the state legislature needs to look at this funding issue.
demographic that relies on public transportation are the elderly. Many reach
the age they should not drive anymore but still need a means to get to doctor
appointments but have no other option to get there.
demographic that relies on public transportation are people getting out of jail
(re-entry). Some prisons/jails will not permit a newly-released prisoner to
leave on foot, so if they cannot find a ride will rely on public transportation
to get them away from the prison/jail.
is so important that public transportation is an option from a safety
standpoint as it will help in alleviating the number of drunk/drugged driving
and distracted driving crashes.
of the reasons this region lost out on the bid for the Amazon expansion was
because there is not a regional public transportation system in place (it was a
deal breaker).
needs to be more education on the benefits of public transportation so people
who don’t need it understand why it is important for those who do need it.
technological changes will drive the future of public transportation, such as
autonomous shuttles.
mentality in the Midwest must change – public transportation is important and
needed for all demographics. The education should start at a young age, so they
understand not everything needs to revolve around a car.
Other Topics or Announcements – TMACOG staff
discussed the various benefits of being a TMACOG member. Staff reviewed the
council and committee structure and stressed that anyone may attend and be
involved in these meetings. Staff can create maps, collect traffic counts,
coordinate events, etc., that is a benefit of being a TMACOG member.
Adjournment – The
meeting was adjourned at 9:49 a.m.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments | www.tmacog.org
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