Thursday, August 9, 2018

Summer Caucus Notes - Townships

Call to Order/Welcome/Introductions – The Township Caucus met on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. at Penta Career Center (Room 1301), 9301 Buck Road in Perrysburg, Ohio.

Mike Hampton, Springfield Township Administrator and caucus facilitator, called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone present. Introductions were made by everyone present.

Caucus members in attendance included:

·         Tom Anderson, Jr. – Trustee, Township of Springfield
·         Jacob Barnes – Planning Director, Township of Springfield
·         Robert Bethel – Trustee, Township of Springfield
·         Walter Celley – Administrator, Township of Perrysburg
·         Barry Cousino – Fire Chief, Township of Springfield
·         Michael Hampton – Administrator, Township of Springfield
·         Kelly Hemminger – Zoning Administrator, Township of Perrysburg
·         Al Prieur – Deputy Supervisor, Township of Bedford
·         Donald Sahloff – Trustee, Township of Whiteford
·         Eric Wagner – Zoning Administrator, Township of Monclova
Non-caucus members in attendance included:
·         Lu Cooke – Northwest Ohio Regional Liaison, Office of Governor John R. Kasich
·         Tim Porter – Chair, Northwest Ohio Passenger Rail Association
TMACOG support staff in attendance included:
·         William Best – Vice President of Finance and Administration
·         Mike Fuller – Transportation Planner
Topics discussed during the caucus round table include the following:
·         Micro Towers for Data and Telecommunications
o   The main concern was that micro towers are a wide range of sizes, and the smaller towers can be placed in a wide variety of places, making them difficult to regulate, so some townships would like to see legislation that addresses them.
o   Participants discussed an example of a micro tower near Airport and I-475, noting there has not been any issues after it was installed. Some conceded that the micro towers do have some benefits.
·         Property Maintenance Codes
o   The main concern is that townships without limited home rule have limited options for dealing with blighted properties. For example, Springfield Township has seen properties that do not meet the nuisance definition in the Ohio Revised Code, but the properties still have issues that need to be addressed.
o   Bedford Township noted a similar situation where if no hazard was present, if the issues were merely aesthetic, they typically did not take action. It was noted that Detroit has a policy that requires bringing a property up to code after it is sold. Bedford has also seen blighted properties among elderly populations unable to maintain properties and mentioned a program where groups visit properties to help with maintenance.
o   It was noted that Findlay has similar programs to help elderly property owners with maintenance activities, and there are opportunities to partner with faith-based organizations and local Agencies on Aging.
·         Participants then given an opportunity to share any updates or issues in their townships.
o   Whiteford Township shared an update on their new water treatment plant.
o   Perrysburg Township noted some road improvement projects.
o   Monclova Township noted an increase in villa-type housing to cater to an aging population.
o   Springfield Township discussed a potential community paramedicine program as a response to the opioid epidemic, but also connected the program to the discussion of elderly populations that need assistance. In addition, an update on the Dorr Street interchange was provided.
Generate Questions for Forum with State Lawmakers – The caucus generated the following questions for panel forum with state lawmakers.
1.      Does the panel anticipate any legislation granting authority to townships to regulate micro towers?
2.      Does this panel anticipate, regardless of who is elected in November, ODOT relaxing the 50% requirement for funding of local projects?
Next Steps – There were no requested actions from the caucus.

Adjourn There was no further business discussed. Mr. Hampton thanked the attendees for their participation and adjourned the meeting.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

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