After a year of reorganization and planning, the new Water
Quality Council held its first meeting Wednesday, March 9 at the Lucas County
Sanitary Engineers office. More than 40 people were in attendance including
city, county, village, and township elected officials, wastewater operators,
and sanitary engineers.
Chair of the WQC Carol Contrada noted the mission of the new
council in her opening remarks. “Through the work of the Wastewater, Public
Water Supply, Regional Water Planning, Watershed, and Stormwater committees, we
are charged with creating an Agenda for Lake Erie,” she said.
She cited the
goal of a 40 percent reduction in nutrients entering the western basin of Lake
Erie, noting that Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario are all agreed on that benchmark.
Contrada asked the members of the
council to consider their vision for the ongoing work of the group and for the
region. In asking for a vote on the new council’s operating procedures, she
noted that the document “represents a year of regional collaboration
identifying goals, designing the framework of the council and continuing the
critical ongoing work of the former Environmental Council.” Contrada further emphasized the importance of
regional participation, and welcomed all TMACOG members to participate.
The next meeting of the WQC is Thursday, June 9 at 1:30
p.m., location to be determined. All meetings are open to the public.
The agenda for the first meeting featured three speakers,
each addressing strategies for reducing the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen
reaching Lake Erie. Dr. Justin Chaffin
of the Ohio State University who works at Lake Erie’s Stone Labs gave an
outline of algae life and explained how Microcystis fits into the greater Lake
Erie ecosystem. Facts in his presentation made clear that the amount of rain
from March through June has been a direct indicator of how much algae bloom we
can expect to see in July and August. He
said that Stone Labs will announce a forecast for this season’s algae bloom on
July 7, 2016.
Tim Kwiatkowski
of Michigan’s Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program was the second
speaker. MAEAP is a voluntary association that helps farms of all sizes work to
voluntarily prevent or minimize pollution from agricultural activities. Kwiatkowski
described strategies and incentives that are effective in Monroe and Lenawee
counties. Drainage control structures can retain 30-40% of nutrients that would
otherwise run off the land into waterways.
Ron Wyss of the
Lake Erie Improvement Association looked at both science and policy. He
theorizes that the increase in phosphorus in the lake is due to more animals in
less space leading to concentrations of nutrients from manure. As a farmer, he
has studied the amount of fertilizer needed for optimum crop growth and
concludes that farmers are using far more nutrients than necessary. He suggests
that as a policy, any nutrient exceeding the amount needed for crop
fertilization should be considered waste. He noted that farmers receive a lot
of benefits from government and should accept mandatory soil testing on the
same order as speed limits.
Actions Taken
Members approved an amendment to the 208 Plan presented by
the Wastewater Committee, approved operating procedures for the Stormwater
Coalition, approved the 2017 Annual Work Program of the council, and heard from
the Public Water Supply committee about recommendations it had made to the Ohio
EPA about water testing protocol.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |
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