Thursday, March 24, 2016

Public Invited to Review Update to Regional Sewer and Water Plan

The Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (called the 208 Plan from that section of the Clean Water Act), is an agreement among regional partners on how we will treat wastewater to comply with federal regulations. The plan is updated regularly in response to local development and changes in infrastructure. The most recent update will be available for public review and comment at a public meeting Wednesday, May 4, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the TMACOG Boardroom.

The newest update shows how communities are addressing industrial package plants, combined storm and sanitary sewers, and providing capacity for economic development. For questions on the 208 Plan, contact Kurt Erichsen, 419.241.9155, ext. 126.

Persons requesting special accommodations for disabilities of language, mobility, or other handicap are invited to contact TMACOG Accessibility Coordinator Jennifer Allen 419.241.9155, ext. 107.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bike Month is Coming!

Well, it's not coming until May but we're planning rides and other events now. Hope you can join one.

Bike Month invites experienced cyclists and those who aspire to ride more often to get out on roads and paths.

Here's what's in the works for now. Keep your eyes open; many cities are organizing civic rides and the bike clubs are putting together their season. 

Bike Month Events 
May 4       Bike to School Day
May 6      Family Bike Night - Side Cut Metropark, 6 p.m.*
May 8      Bike & Bird Adventure – Pearson Metropark, 7 a.m.*
May 16-22  TARTA Reduced fare – 25 cents for cyclists. All buses are equipped with bike racks.
May 18      Ride of Silence - University of Toledo, Bancroft St. entrance, 6:30 p.m.
Slow ride with police escort to remember people who have been hurt on public roads.
May 20      Bike to Work Day
May 21    Bike Day at the Farmer’s Market, Erie St., downtown Toledo, 9 a.m. – noon
Bike repairs, t-shirts for cyclists while supplies last, coffee for bikers
May 21    Metroparks Outdoor Adventure Expo - Side Cut Metropark, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Bike clubs on hand at this all day expo.
May 22      Sylvania Slowryders Ride – Sylvania Public Library, 4 p.m.
Bike ride, food trucks, dancing, and more
 * Registration required.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

First Meeting of the Water Quality Council Held

After a year of reorganization and planning, the new Water Quality Council held its first meeting Wednesday, March 9 at the Lucas County Sanitary Engineers office. More than 40 people were in attendance including city, county, village, and township elected officials, wastewater operators, and sanitary engineers.

Chair of the WQC Carol Contrada noted the mission of the new council in her opening remarks. “Through the work of the Wastewater, Public Water Supply, Regional Water Planning, Watershed, and Stormwater committees, we are charged with creating an Agenda for Lake Erie,” she said.

Caucus Sessions Show Concerns

At the annual TMACOG General Assembly held in January, members meet in caucus sessions of their peers. These discussions are one way that members share concerns and solutions. To see what they talked about, see the 2016 Caucus Notes.

The link takes you to one document that includes notes from the Counties, Cities, Villages, Townships, Schools & Colleges & Universities, Non-governmental Members, and Special Districts & Authorities caucus sessions.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Webinars for Stormwater Planners

The next regularly scheduled stormwater webinar is Wednesday, March 16. "Surviving a MS4 Compliance Audit" will be at the City of Toledo Engineering Services office, 1 p..m. - 2:30 p.m. There is no charge but registration is required. Contact TMACOG Stormwater Planner Kari Gerwin.

Members of the TMACOG Stormwater Coalition may also be interested in an Ohio EPA webinar next week. The title is "Event Information: DEFA Webinar - Submitting Ohio EPA Stormwater Applications and Reports Electronically, MS4 Program Updates and Resources."

It's a mouthful, but the seminar will focus on the Ohio EPA's new web-based electronic application system for the submittal of stormwater applications and reports. That webinar is Wednesday, March 16, 10 -11 a.m. Register here:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Help Wanted: TMACOG President

TMACOG President Tony Reams has announced his retirement, effective July 1, 2016. He is only the fourth full-time top executive at TMACOG since the agency was organized in 1968.

The job description and an outline of preferred experience for candidates is on here:

The search for a new president is being led by the Leadership Development committee. Applications are due by end of business day on March 31. The committee plans to confirm a candidate by May and have a new president in place by June, 2016.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |