Monday, December 12, 2016

Good News for Ohio Bicyclists: Law Moving Ahead

From the Ohio Bicycle Federation: 

Contact:  Chuck Smith
Telephone: 937-280-4288
Email :

HB 154 Passes General Assembly, on to governor kasich

Passing clearance of at least 3 feet and proceeding when not detected

Columbus, Ohio, December 10, 2016– With final adjournment for the session looming, the Ohio General Assembly on Thursday brought a successful conclusion to a seven-year effort at improving bicycling law in Ohio.   By a 30 to 1 vote yesterday, the Ohio Senate approved House Bill 154, which will:
1.       Set the safe distance for passing Ohio bicyclists at 3 feet.
2.       Permit all Ohio vehicles to proceed through an intersection after stopping and yielding right-of-way when not detected by the device meant to move the signal from red to green.
Ohio Bicycle Federation Chair Chuck Smith said, “The passing of House Bill 154 was a team effort in which the Ohio Bicycle Federation received support from all cycling organizations in Ohio and their members.  The Ohio Sierra Club also provided great support in this effort.  It was everyone contacting their elected representatives which brought this success.  Representative  Mike Henne of northern Montgomery County and his staffer Kevin Arnst did excellent work in moving HB 154 through the legislative hurdles!  Our other primary sponsor was Representative Mike Sheehy of Toledo.  We have
33 House and 7 Senate co-sponsors.  Senator Troy Balderson of Zanesville introduced an identical bill in the Senate.  After HB 154 is signed into law, our job is to educate Ohioans regarding the importance of Ohio motorists leaving at least three feet of clearance when passing bicyclists.”
The legislation will become effective 90 days after Governor Kasich signs it.

# # #

For more information, please contact Chuck Smith at 937-280-4288 or email him at

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Friday, November 4, 2016

Change in the Weather, Change Stormwater Strategies Leaf Collection & Management

Tips from TMACOG's Stormwater Coalition

When you're raking or blowing leaves out of your yard, keep them out of the stormwater system. Here's some ideas. 
  • Spread leaves like mulch in your planting beds or around trees. The leaves will decompose providing excellent fertilizer for your plants in the spring.
  • Compost them.
  • If you must dispose of leaves, use a community compost or yard waste facilities.
  • Or participate in a residential leaf pick-up program. Most Stormwater Coalition member jurisdictions offer fall leaf collection (be sure to check with your jurisdiction for collection days in your area).

 Most residential leaf collection programs ask residents to rake leaves close to the streets, but not in them. Leaves raked into the streets can wash into storm drains and clog them. Excess organic matter in drains is never a good idea. Note that some jurisdictions do request that leaves are collected into the streets. If you live in one of these communities, wait to rake them into the street until the day or week of collection and keep piles away from drains. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, October 24, 2016

Rotary Lake Erie Conference - October 28, 2016

Elected officials, water quality professionals, and concerned citizens are invited to attend the second annual Rotary Lake Erie Watershed Conference. The full-day program will be held Friday, October 28, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the SeaGate Convention Centre. It is a project of the Toledo Rotary. Registration is $80 for individuals and $260 for a package of four. The fee includes a continental breakfast and luncheon. More information about the agenda is on the Rotary webpages here.

The morning program will give attendees the latest news from around Lake Erie. An afternoon breakout session will offer information on various projects and programs aimed at finding and implementing solutions. TMACOG staff will participate on a panel providing information for homeowners: how household decisions on products and practices affect water quality.
Director Jon Capacasa, Region 3 EPA, lead on the Chesapeake Bay Program TMDL
Dr. Jeff Reutter, Ohio State University Stone Lab Past Director and Special Advisor
Karl Gebhardt, Ohio EPA, Deputy Director for Water Resources
Adam Sharp, Executive Vice President of the Ohio Farm Bureau
Mary Jane Slaton, Program Manager for the City of Fort Wayne

joining Jennifer Jones, Rotary International Director (Windsor, Canada).

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

TMACOG Paid Internship!


The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) is seeking a motivated student for work in its Water Quality Department. Must be able to work an average of 20 hours per week from late September through November. Internship may be extended through December if available.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Advice for Septic System Owners

Regulations have changed for homeowners who use home sewage treatment systems - usually septic systems. It's important to keep your system maintained and cleaned out regularly to avoid costly repairs. If you have questions about what kind of system you have and how to maintain it, contact your county health department. And watch this short video about how septic systems work:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, August 22, 2016

New Parks added to Area Districts

In Wood County, a 61-acre property will open to the public Saturday, August 27. There will be a grand opening from 1 pm to 4 pm.  The Sawyer Quarry Nature Preserve is in Perrysburg Township, at 26940 Lime City Road. The Sawyer family donated the property to the park district through the Black Swamp Conservancy in 2013. There will be a shuttle service available from Perrysburg Township Hall.

In Lucas County, the Middlegrounds Metropark will have its grand opening Saturday, September 17 with family activities from noon to 5 p.m. and Rock the Middlegrounds from 5 p.m. to midnight. The evening festivities will feature live music with food, beer and wine available for purchase. Admission to the park is free all day. Middlegrounds Metropark, at 111 Ottawa Street, starts at the Anthony Wayne bridge and stretches 1.5 miles upriver, providing sweeping views of the Maumee River, downtown skyline and opposite shore. To get to the park, use the blue bridge at the foot of Washington Street, where Owens Corning headquarters is located. Then turn right onto Ottawa Street and follow it to the park entrance, just past the Anthony Wayne Bridge.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Summer Caucus Notes

Find out what your fellow TMACOG members were talking about in their caucus sessions. See the links below to read notes from the seven separate sessions at the 2016 Summer Caucus and Forum with State Lawmakers held August 4.

City Caucus
Non-government Member Caucus
Schools, Colleges & Universities Caucus
Special Districts & Authorities Caucus
Townships Caucus
Villages Caucus
Counties Caucus

Senators Randy Gardner and Edna Brown at the 2016 Forum with State Lawmakers

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Now Hiring: Water Quality Planner / Engineer

TMACOG is accepting applications for a position in the Water Quality department. The water quality program is organized under the Water Quality Council. There are five program committees under the council. The advertised position will coordinate two of those committees; the TMACOG Wastewater and Public Water Supply Committees. See the complete job description and background information on the TMACOG webpage here.

Skill set:
·         Applicant must hold a bachelor's degree and a graduate degree in engineering, planning or related field. 
·         Strong leadership skills are required. The applicant will need the skills and interest to potentially lead a Water Quality program.
·         Position requires experience in applying statistical and graphic skills to analyzing and presenting data.
·         Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential.
·         Knowledge and understanding of stormwater, sanitary sewerage, and public water supply systems is required.

Friday, August 5, 2016

TMACOG Member Caucus Questions

At the TMACOG Summer Caucus and Forum with State Lawmakers held Wednesday, August 4, each of the seven caucus groups generated questions for the panel of lawmakers. Not all of the questions could be addressed in the time allotted. Read on to see what your fellow TMACOG members cited as their most important concerns for lawmakers.

Applications for Gas Station Cleanup Now Being Accepted

The second competitive round of the Abandoned Gas Station Cleanup Grant will open Monday, August 8. The grant provides funding for local communities to assess and clean up contaminated abandoned gas stations. A minimum of $3.5 million will be available in this round of funding, and for the first time county land banks are eligible to apply.

Grants up to $100,000 for assessment activities and up to $500,000 for cleanup may be awarded through the competitive program. Competitive applications are scored based on the impact the project will have on the environment, community and economy. Non-competitive Fast Track grants are awarded on an on-going basis for projects where the only likely contamination is associated with the underground storage tank location(s).

Applications for the second round of competitive funding are due to the Ohio Development Services Agency by Friday, September 9, 2016. The application along with the scoring matrix can be found online at

If you have any questions about the program, please contact April Stevens at (614) 466-4007 or via email at April.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Welcome Tim W. Brown, new TMACOG President

Members of the TMACOG staff welcome Tim W. Brown (standing, third from left) after he is formally installed as the new president at the TMACOG Executive Committee meeting Wednesday, July 20, 2016. Brown is only the fifth full time chief executive since TMACOG was formed in 1968. 

Seated, Bill Best and David Gedeon. Standing, Christine Connell, Kurt Erichsen, Mr. Brown, and Peggy Ricard. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, June 27, 2016

Nonprofits Invited to Apply for Funds for Vans, other Transport Tools

TMACOG and TARTA have collaborated on an updated application for 5310 Specialized Transportation vehicles. The applications will be due to TMACOG by Friday, July 29, 2016. Eligible applicants include transit agencies, governments, and nonprofit organizations that are seeking capital or operational funding for transportation projects. These projects must continue or increase access to transportation options for seniors or individuals with disabilities within the Toledo Urbanized Area of northwest Ohio.

Most of these grants are used by agencies to purchase 8- or 12-person vans. Points are given on the grant application for a plan that shows the vans will get a lot of use.

For more information, contact TMACOG Planner Bekka Apardian at 419.241.9155 ext 117

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Accepting Applications for Transportation Alternatives Projects

TMACOG is now accepting applications for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) projects to be funded as soon as State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2018. There is approximately $785,000 available for Lucas and Wood counties. The deadline for application submittals is August 12, 2016. 

Projects have typically been fundable at 80 percent of construction costs plus construction engineering. The local sponsoring jurisdiction is responsible for the 20 percent balance of those costs as well as project preparation expenses. Additional information about the use of TAP funds can be found on the Federal Highway Administration website, under the FAST Act (Guidance on Transportation Alternatives here). If you have any questions about TAP applications, please contact Transportation Planner Lance Dasher at 419.241.9155, ext. 115.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Gas Cap Testing and Replacement Program

The City of Toledo and TMACOG began the 2016 gas cap testing and replacement program today, June 7 at the True North/Shell station at 822 Monroe St. in downtown Toledo.
Thank you Kelsey from WTOL, covering gas cap testing  on her
second day on the job!

TMACOG Vice President of Transportation David Gedeon (red shirt) was on hand to explain how leaky gas caps contribute to ozone pollution and to offer free replacement caps for any leaky or missing cap that the staff finds. City of Toledo intern Brendon Cousino does the vacuum test. This 2005 vehicle passed. 

Testing only takes a minute or two and replacement caps are free.  Motorists coming in to test their vehicle will receive ozone action sunglasses while supplies last.

The program will continue through early August at locations in Lucas and Wood counties and southern Monroe County. The June dates are listed below and the complete schedule can be found on the TMACOG website:

Date                                Time              Location
Tues., June 7               2-4 pm           True North, 822 Monroe, Toledo – MEDIA DAY
Wed. June 8                1-3 pm           Barneys, 1670 E. Wooster, BG
Thurs., June 9             1-3 pm           Circle K, 103 Anthony Wayne Trail, Waterville
Tues., June 14             2-4 pm           Kroger, 3301 Navarre Ave., Oregon
Wed. June 15              2-4 pm           True North, 4310 W. Central, Toledo
Tues., June 21             2-4 pm           True North, 5473 Monroe St., Toledo
Wed., June 22             2-4 pm           Kroger, 2257 N. Holland-Sylvania, Toledo
Thurs., June 23           2-4 pm           Circle K, 6775 Dorr St., Toledo
Tues., June 28             1-3 pm           Kroger, 7545 Sylvania Ave., Sylvania
Wed., June 29             1-3 pm           True North, 5855 Weckerly Rd., Whitehouse
Thurs., June 30           2-4 pm           Barneys, 5821 N. Detroit, Toledo

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Stormwater Management at Hensville

As part of a local tour of green infrastructure May 26, stormwater planners and engineers stopped at the new Hensville by the Mud Hens ballpark. At the corner of Summit and Monroe in downtown Toledo, an old parking lot was re-purposed and re-engineered as part of an entertainment area. Before the renovation,  stormwater that flooded on the impervious parking lot drained to combined stormwater and sanitary sewers. After renovation, the stormwater is completely separated. Some is diverted to water elm and sycamore trees in deep tree boxes. Surplus joins the stormwater system.

Tim Bockbrader, a principal at Edge, a landscape architecture and urban design firm, shows local planners how stormwater from the roof is re-directed to water newly planted trees.

At many of installations on the bus tour, green infrastructure was apparent in the form of swales or retainment areas. At Hensville, all the infrastructure is below ground to maximize use of the urban property.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tour Region's Green Infrastructure

Register now for the tour.
Hensville, Toledo Botanical Garden, Toledo Zoo. Lots to see and lots to learn. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, May 9, 2016

ITS Architecture – Regional Input Requested Now

TMACOG and all the jurisdictions in the region are working on the next generation of transportation communication including the network of emergency communications, road signage, traffic signals, and other transportation communication systems.

Transportation engineers and civic administrators in the TMACOG region are asked to contribute to an inventory of this ITS Architecture in our region. Consultants working on this issue –ConSysTec– have created a full draft architecture update. It can be found here:

We would like each agency to review their portion of the architecture and provide comments by Friday, June 3 so that the consultants can complete the architecture update. The key sections of the website which contain stakeholder specific information are:

Whole lot of Green Infrastructure Innovation Going on

There is an awful lot of innovative green infrastructure to see in Toledo. Engineers and designers have been busy. Join this tour to improve how we handle stormwater and improve water quality. 

Elected officials and civic administrators: learn what design engineers are proposing for new strategies for green infrastructure. Engineers and architects: Hear from others who have addressed practical problems of construction and maintenance and see how these structures have improved water quality and aesthetics in urban areas.

Green Infrastructure Bus Tour
Thursday, May 26, 2016
8:30 am to 3:30 pm

Register now for the Green Infrastructure Tour. Print this Bus Tour flier and share with colleagues. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Train Day Toledo is Saturday

Come on down to the Train station tomorrow, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. for fun, free, train fun. The 911 locomotive is here and so are Amtrak passenger cars. Walk through the cars to see what comfortable, modern train travel is like. Big comfy seats, lots of room to walk around. 

Stay for the raffle for train tickets, bring the kids to the safety presentation, model trains! Lots more to see and do. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Ozone Action Season has Begun

Ozone Action Season is May through September. This is the time of year that hot, sunny days combine with volatile organic compounds to create low-level ozone. Do your part to protect the air by leaving your car at home - take the bus or ride a bike. Don't mow the lawn when it's really hot, wait for evening. Avoid gassing up the car or using spray paint. Adjust the thermostat to use the air conditioner less. Hang out the laundry instead of using the drier. Basically, sit in the shade and enjoy doing no yard work.

To get ozone forecasts sign up for email notifications. Email to and ask to be added to the list.

The levels of ozone (from best conditions to worst):
  • Good
  • Satisfactory
  • Precautionary Measures Should be Taken by Sensitive Groups
  • Caution
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Farmers Invited to Apply for Funds

The U.S. EPA recently announced a series of grants from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative that will address both invasive species and excess nutrients in the lakes. TMACOG has been awarded nearly $500,000 to help farmers reduce the amount of nutrients that migrate from their fields to nearby waterways. Farmers in the Portage and Toussaint River watersheds are eligible. Contact your Ottawa or Wood County Soil & Water Conservation District Office. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Clean Ohio Fund Recommendations

The Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) has completed evaluations and will make recommendations for funding two projects through the Clean Ohio Fund that will preserve about 230 acres of open space in Lucas County. If approved as expected, state funding of $1,246,000 will return to Lucas County.

Both recommended projects are part of the Metroparks of the Toledo Area. The first priority is a project at Raab and Frankfort roads that would protect 133 acres with the purchase of four separate parcels. The properties are between Kitty Todd Preserve and the Irwin Prairie in western Lucas County. The land is part of the greater Oak Openings region and the acquisition contributes to a plan to connect the Oak Openings Preserve and Secor Metropark. Future plans call for the area to be restored as wet prairie which is habitat for Kirtland’s Warbler, the Least Bittern, and Blanding’s Turtle.

The second priority project in the Blue Creek area would protect 97 acres through the acquisition of four contiguous vacant parcels that abut the existing Blue Creek Metropark south of the Village of Whitehouse. The project area includes a wet woods classified as a category II wetland. The acquisition will double the length of protected corridor of Blue Creek and improve aquatic habitat. The Metroparks will provide significant local matching funds for both projects.

 Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

TMACOG Issues Request for Proposals

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) is accepting proposals for two parts of a Belmont/ Forest Biocell project.

Part 1: Landscape Design and Construction Phase Engineering and Inspection for Belmont/Forest Biocell. Consultant to provide construction oversight and project inspection for two stormwater bioretention cells at vacant lots at the corner of Belmont and Forest in Toledo. Consultant will also provide landscaping design for the project.

Part 2: Belmont /Forest Biocell Project Construction. Construction of two stormwater bioretention cells on vacant lots at the corner of Belmont and Forest in Toledo. Includes excavation, construction of underdrain piping, and curb adjustments.

Proposals are due by May 10. For both projects, request bidding documents from and submit bids to Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, 300 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Ste. 300, Toledo, OH 43604, attn: Kari Gerwin (, 419.241.9155 x 103.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

TMACOG is hiring a Watershed Planner

TMACOG is now accepting applications for a Water Infrastructure/Watershed Planner. This position will build the capacity of TMACOG’s Water Quality department. The successful candidate will align skills closely with needs of TMACOG members and regional water quality challenges.

The position will coordinate the TMACOG Watershed Committee and assist with both the Wastewater and Public Water Supply Committees. Technical functions will be to organize water quality, resource, and infrastructure data and conduct planning and watershed analyses for the Maumee, Portage, and Lake Erie Western Basin watersheds.

Applicants must hold at least a bachelor's degree in an appropriate planning-related field and must demonstrate some professional management experience in a related field. Position requires skills in applying statistical and graphic procedures relevant to analyzing and presenting data.

See more information about qualifications and the scope of work on the TMACOG webpages:

Applications are due by May 27. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ohio Stormwater Conference

Stormwater planners are invited to register early for the Ohio Stormwater Conference for the best price. Early registration ends April 15.  The conference will be May 4-6 at the Sharonville Convention Center in Sharonville, OH. This is the premier Ohio conference for stormwater planners. 

Local planners with questions can contact Kari Gerwin, Water Quality Planner II
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
p: 419.241.9155 ext. 103

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Public Invited to Review Update to Regional Sewer and Water Plan

The Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (called the 208 Plan from that section of the Clean Water Act), is an agreement among regional partners on how we will treat wastewater to comply with federal regulations. The plan is updated regularly in response to local development and changes in infrastructure. The most recent update will be available for public review and comment at a public meeting Wednesday, May 4, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the TMACOG Boardroom.

The newest update shows how communities are addressing industrial package plants, combined storm and sanitary sewers, and providing capacity for economic development. For questions on the 208 Plan, contact Kurt Erichsen, 419.241.9155, ext. 126.

Persons requesting special accommodations for disabilities of language, mobility, or other handicap are invited to contact TMACOG Accessibility Coordinator Jennifer Allen 419.241.9155, ext. 107.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bike Month is Coming!

Well, it's not coming until May but we're planning rides and other events now. Hope you can join one.

Bike Month invites experienced cyclists and those who aspire to ride more often to get out on roads and paths.

Here's what's in the works for now. Keep your eyes open; many cities are organizing civic rides and the bike clubs are putting together their season. 

Bike Month Events 
May 4       Bike to School Day
May 6      Family Bike Night - Side Cut Metropark, 6 p.m.*
May 8      Bike & Bird Adventure – Pearson Metropark, 7 a.m.*
May 16-22  TARTA Reduced fare – 25 cents for cyclists. All buses are equipped with bike racks.
May 18      Ride of Silence - University of Toledo, Bancroft St. entrance, 6:30 p.m.
Slow ride with police escort to remember people who have been hurt on public roads.
May 20      Bike to Work Day
May 21    Bike Day at the Farmer’s Market, Erie St., downtown Toledo, 9 a.m. – noon
Bike repairs, t-shirts for cyclists while supplies last, coffee for bikers
May 21    Metroparks Outdoor Adventure Expo - Side Cut Metropark, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Bike clubs on hand at this all day expo.
May 22      Sylvania Slowryders Ride – Sylvania Public Library, 4 p.m.
Bike ride, food trucks, dancing, and more
 * Registration required.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

First Meeting of the Water Quality Council Held

After a year of reorganization and planning, the new Water Quality Council held its first meeting Wednesday, March 9 at the Lucas County Sanitary Engineers office. More than 40 people were in attendance including city, county, village, and township elected officials, wastewater operators, and sanitary engineers.

Chair of the WQC Carol Contrada noted the mission of the new council in her opening remarks. “Through the work of the Wastewater, Public Water Supply, Regional Water Planning, Watershed, and Stormwater committees, we are charged with creating an Agenda for Lake Erie,” she said.

Caucus Sessions Show Concerns

At the annual TMACOG General Assembly held in January, members meet in caucus sessions of their peers. These discussions are one way that members share concerns and solutions. To see what they talked about, see the 2016 Caucus Notes.

The link takes you to one document that includes notes from the Counties, Cities, Villages, Townships, Schools & Colleges & Universities, Non-governmental Members, and Special Districts & Authorities caucus sessions.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Webinars for Stormwater Planners

The next regularly scheduled stormwater webinar is Wednesday, March 16. "Surviving a MS4 Compliance Audit" will be at the City of Toledo Engineering Services office, 1 p..m. - 2:30 p.m. There is no charge but registration is required. Contact TMACOG Stormwater Planner Kari Gerwin.

Members of the TMACOG Stormwater Coalition may also be interested in an Ohio EPA webinar next week. The title is "Event Information: DEFA Webinar - Submitting Ohio EPA Stormwater Applications and Reports Electronically, MS4 Program Updates and Resources."

It's a mouthful, but the seminar will focus on the Ohio EPA's new web-based electronic application system for the submittal of stormwater applications and reports. That webinar is Wednesday, March 16, 10 -11 a.m. Register here:

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Help Wanted: TMACOG President

TMACOG President Tony Reams has announced his retirement, effective July 1, 2016. He is only the fourth full-time top executive at TMACOG since the agency was organized in 1968.

The job description and an outline of preferred experience for candidates is on here:

The search for a new president is being led by the Leadership Development committee. Applications are due by end of business day on March 31. The committee plans to confirm a candidate by May and have a new president in place by June, 2016.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, February 22, 2016

Gear up for Bike Month

May is Bike Month in northwest Ohio. Start thinking about getting out on the roads, bike paths, and signed routes now. Here's what we have planned so far:
  • May 4 – Bike to School Day
  • May 18 – Ride of Silence in Toledo
  • May 20 – Bike to Work Day
  • May 22 – Sylvania Slow Ryders Ride

If you want to participate in any of these events, contact Lance Dasher at TMACOG: 419-241-9155 ext. 115.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Next Generation of Logistics Professionals

Sandra Simon, a career coach for Toledo Public Schools, thinks that a program funding a supply chain management program for high school students is a smart idea. Money for the Youth Career Grant comes from fees employers pay for visas given to immigrants coming to the U.S. for technical jobs. She says, “We’re using that money – from importing skilled people – to grow our own talent here.”

Woodward High School is one of 27 schools in the U.S. that are a recipient of the grant. It allowed the school to establish a two-year program that focusses on supply chain management and workforce readiness. Principal of the school, Jack Renz, said he pursued the grant that supports the program because of the good jobs that are available in transportation and logistics within only a few miles of his school. High school classwork is aligned with courses at Owens Community College and students gain up to 12 college credit hours.

Woodward seniors Angela Johnson and Hugo Rodriquez aren’t certain of their future careers right now but both have learned about logistics and the supply chain industry and had other opportunities through their participation in the supply chain management program. Johnson says that being interviewed by Chrysler was a highlight of her high school education. Rodriquez said that he enjoyed project management and might pursue his degree in engineering.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TMACOG Elects New Leadership

At the 2015 General Assembly held January 25, TMACOG members voted on new leadership. Craig Stough, mayor of the City of Sylvania, was elected chair. Richard Edwards, mayor of the City of Bowling Green, was elected vice chair. They will serve a 12-month term. They replace outgoing Chair James Sass, Ottawa County commissioner, and outgoing Vice Chair Angela Kuhn, past mayor of the Village of Whitehouse.

Richard Edwards, Angela Kuhn, Craig Stough, Jim Sass, and Tony Reams. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Stough are newly elected vice chair and chair respectively of the TMACOG Board of Trustees. Ms. Kuhn and Mr. Sass are outgoing leaders. Mr. Reams is the president of the staff of TMACOG. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |