A broad regional partnership, which
includes TMACOG Stormwater Coalition members, the University of Toledo, and
Clay High School, is working to quantify the value of stormwater best
management practices. Following is an overview of the projects planned.
Rainwater and snowmelt present
water pollution problems and water volume problems. In urban areas with lots of
pavement, stormwater runs over parking lots and driveways collecting debris and
chemicals. A heavy storm can overwhelm drainage systems and lead to flooding. Current
practices say that stormwater is best managed close to where it falls, using natural
percolation through the soil, and low-maintenance infrastructure. Stormwater
managers in this region now employ several strategies to keep stormwater out of
the storm sewer system, treat it naturally, and put the water to beneficial use.
A series of grants from the Great Lakes
Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF) is funding
the design and construction of a range of stormwater management projects in
Lucas County. The University of Toledo, with funding from the University of
Michigan Water Center, is evaluating those pilot projects. The goal is to
provide information to builders and developers who want to reduce the amount of
stormwater entering sewer systems, remove pollutants from the water, and do so
cost effectively.
Engineers and builders must make
complicated decisions about stormwater management in new construction and in
renovations. There are several scenarios for paving, for example. Completely paving
a parking lot with permeable concrete might cost four to eight times more than paving
with asphalt. If data can show that paving half of the parking lot in permeable
materials reduces stormwater volume and treats it effectively, then permeable
pavement becomes a better option. If the choice is between extending a storm
sewer, which controls water but doesn’t treat it, or using permeable paving,
which facilitates both, the pricey pavers might be the better value. Hard data
will help builders make the best decisions
The City of Oregon has a pilot
stormwater project in a soccer field parking area adjacent to Wolf Creek.
Currently, the parking lot has catch basins that direct rain water directly to
Wolf Creek. Oregon’s plan is to install bioretention cells in areas between
parking lots to capture and hold stormwater. Builders will remove up to three
feet of hard, impervious clay and replace it with engineered soil made up of
sand and organic material. The cells will be planted with native species that
have been selected for deep roots and a tolerance for both flood and dry
conditions. Oregon Environmental Specialist Don Nelson expects a much reduced
flow of water to underdrains. The water will drain gradually and some will be
taken up by the plants. Water quality is also expected to improve. Most
pollutants degrade naturally in the engineered soil or are taken up by plants.
To measure the effectiveness of the
design, Oregon engineers and scientists have worked closely with ODNR and Ohio
EPA to design the monitoring system.
The Lucas County maintenance garage
on McCord Road in Holland recently repaved a dilapidated parking lot incorporating
sections of permeable pavement. Challenges that they dealt with include
selecting areas with less heavy truck traffic (permeable pavement is somewhat
more brittle than asphalt) and choosing areas where water usually pooled so
that the pervious concrete would be effective in drainage. Construction
involved putting in an underlay of porous soils below the cement. They also
graded an area for a rain garden which will be planted in the spring of 2014. There
was no data collected before the renovation but Drainage Engineer Brian Miller
will be monitoring the site and checking for flood management.
At another site managed by Lucas
County engineers, University of Toledo students plan to collect data before and
after a paving project. A parking lot at Larc Lane and Garden Lake in Toledo is
currently all asphalt. Plans call for permeable paving in sections of the lot.
At both the Larc Lane and Oregon
bioretention sites, University of Toledo students will be using placing tools
in the catch basin to collect data on water volume before and after the
stormwater systems are created. Samples to test water quality will be taken
regularly. In Oregon, a Clay High School student has made a senior project out
of the study and will be collecting and analyzing additional data.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments | www.tmacog.org
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