Thursday, January 25, 2018

Stakeholder Meeting - Habitat Restoration

The general public, agricultural producers, and elected and appointed officials are invited to attend a discussion of the plans and potential projects for the following watersheds: Headwaters of Ten Mile Creek, Prairie Ditch, Ai Creeek, Fewless Creek/Swan Creek, and Lower Blue Creek.

Wednesday, February 21 5 - 6:30  p.m. 
at the Swanton Public Library. 305 Chestnut St., Swanton. 

Area agencies are developing habitat restoration plans and want public input on projects and priorities. Partners for the meeting are Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District, Lucas County, and the Toledo-Lucas County Sustainability Commission.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Adding Staff to Transportation Department

Dana Doubler is jumping into the deep end at her new job at TMACOG. Her primary assignment will be development of the next Long Range Transportation Plan. She will be leading the collaborative process to produce the plan which will be published in 2020. The Long Range Transportation Plan goes out 30 years or more and involves extensive public input, data collection, and analysis. Dana is prepared for the job: she has her master’s in geography from Michigan State University and experience working as a transportation planner at the Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission.

Dana has lived and worked all over the Midwest including Perrysburg, Bowling Green (where she got her undergraduate degree), and Lansing and Grand Rapids, Michigan. She’s looking forward to being part of the Toledo area. “I like this size of city,” she said. “I’m looking forward to getting in there.” She will also be the staff person in charge of the Public Transit Committee.

In her free time, Dana is training for her first 5K and keeping up her interest in fine arts and crafts.

You can reach Dana at 419.241.9155. ext. 117 or

Dana Doubler, TMACOG Transportation Planner 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |