Monday, December 12, 2016

Good News for Ohio Bicyclists: Law Moving Ahead

From the Ohio Bicycle Federation: 

Contact:  Chuck Smith
Telephone: 937-280-4288
Email :

HB 154 Passes General Assembly, on to governor kasich

Passing clearance of at least 3 feet and proceeding when not detected

Columbus, Ohio, December 10, 2016– With final adjournment for the session looming, the Ohio General Assembly on Thursday brought a successful conclusion to a seven-year effort at improving bicycling law in Ohio.   By a 30 to 1 vote yesterday, the Ohio Senate approved House Bill 154, which will:
1.       Set the safe distance for passing Ohio bicyclists at 3 feet.
2.       Permit all Ohio vehicles to proceed through an intersection after stopping and yielding right-of-way when not detected by the device meant to move the signal from red to green.
Ohio Bicycle Federation Chair Chuck Smith said, “The passing of House Bill 154 was a team effort in which the Ohio Bicycle Federation received support from all cycling organizations in Ohio and their members.  The Ohio Sierra Club also provided great support in this effort.  It was everyone contacting their elected representatives which brought this success.  Representative  Mike Henne of northern Montgomery County and his staffer Kevin Arnst did excellent work in moving HB 154 through the legislative hurdles!  Our other primary sponsor was Representative Mike Sheehy of Toledo.  We have
33 House and 7 Senate co-sponsors.  Senator Troy Balderson of Zanesville introduced an identical bill in the Senate.  After HB 154 is signed into law, our job is to educate Ohioans regarding the importance of Ohio motorists leaving at least three feet of clearance when passing bicyclists.”
The legislation will become effective 90 days after Governor Kasich signs it.

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For more information, please contact Chuck Smith at 937-280-4288 or email him at

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