Friday, November 4, 2016

Change in the Weather, Change Stormwater Strategies Leaf Collection & Management

Tips from TMACOG's Stormwater Coalition

When you're raking or blowing leaves out of your yard, keep them out of the stormwater system. Here's some ideas. 
  • Spread leaves like mulch in your planting beds or around trees. The leaves will decompose providing excellent fertilizer for your plants in the spring.
  • Compost them.
  • If you must dispose of leaves, use a community compost or yard waste facilities.
  • Or participate in a residential leaf pick-up program. Most Stormwater Coalition member jurisdictions offer fall leaf collection (be sure to check with your jurisdiction for collection days in your area).

 Most residential leaf collection programs ask residents to rake leaves close to the streets, but not in them. Leaves raked into the streets can wash into storm drains and clog them. Excess organic matter in drains is never a good idea. Note that some jurisdictions do request that leaves are collected into the streets. If you live in one of these communities, wait to rake them into the street until the day or week of collection and keep piles away from drains. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |