Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Clean Ohio Fund Recommendations

The Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC) has completed evaluations and will make recommendations for funding two projects through the Clean Ohio Fund that will preserve about 230 acres of open space in Lucas County. If approved as expected, state funding of $1,246,000 will return to Lucas County.

Both recommended projects are part of the Metroparks of the Toledo Area. The first priority is a project at Raab and Frankfort roads that would protect 133 acres with the purchase of four separate parcels. The properties are between Kitty Todd Preserve and the Irwin Prairie in western Lucas County. The land is part of the greater Oak Openings region and the acquisition contributes to a plan to connect the Oak Openings Preserve and Secor Metropark. Future plans call for the area to be restored as wet prairie which is habitat for Kirtland’s Warbler, the Least Bittern, and Blanding’s Turtle.

The second priority project in the Blue Creek area would protect 97 acres through the acquisition of four contiguous vacant parcels that abut the existing Blue Creek Metropark south of the Village of Whitehouse. The project area includes a wet woods classified as a category II wetland. The acquisition will double the length of protected corridor of Blue Creek and improve aquatic habitat. The Metroparks will provide significant local matching funds for both projects.

 Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

TMACOG Issues Request for Proposals

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) is accepting proposals for two parts of a Belmont/ Forest Biocell project.

Part 1: Landscape Design and Construction Phase Engineering and Inspection for Belmont/Forest Biocell. Consultant to provide construction oversight and project inspection for two stormwater bioretention cells at vacant lots at the corner of Belmont and Forest in Toledo. Consultant will also provide landscaping design for the project.

Part 2: Belmont /Forest Biocell Project Construction. Construction of two stormwater bioretention cells on vacant lots at the corner of Belmont and Forest in Toledo. Includes excavation, construction of underdrain piping, and curb adjustments.

Proposals are due by May 10. For both projects, request bidding documents from and submit bids to Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments, 300 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Ste. 300, Toledo, OH 43604, attn: Kari Gerwin (, 419.241.9155 x 103.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

TMACOG is hiring a Watershed Planner

TMACOG is now accepting applications for a Water Infrastructure/Watershed Planner. This position will build the capacity of TMACOG’s Water Quality department. The successful candidate will align skills closely with needs of TMACOG members and regional water quality challenges.

The position will coordinate the TMACOG Watershed Committee and assist with both the Wastewater and Public Water Supply Committees. Technical functions will be to organize water quality, resource, and infrastructure data and conduct planning and watershed analyses for the Maumee, Portage, and Lake Erie Western Basin watersheds.

Applicants must hold at least a bachelor's degree in an appropriate planning-related field and must demonstrate some professional management experience in a related field. Position requires skills in applying statistical and graphic procedures relevant to analyzing and presenting data.

See more information about qualifications and the scope of work on the TMACOG webpages:

Applications are due by May 27. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ohio Stormwater Conference

Stormwater planners are invited to register early for the Ohio Stormwater Conference for the best price. Early registration ends April 15.  The conference will be May 4-6 at the Sharonville Convention Center in Sharonville, OH. This is the premier Ohio conference for stormwater planners. 

Local planners with questions can contact Kari Gerwin, Water Quality Planner II
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments
p: 419.241.9155 ext. 103