first meeting of the newly constituted TMACOG Water Quality Council is November 4, at 2 p.m. in the Grand Lobby of the Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza, just outside TMACOG offices. Members of the
Water Quality Council and its committees are asked to arrive by 1:30 p.m. for a
meet-and-greet opportunity. The event will include keynote speakers from the Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and from the Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
Professionals working in
water resource management, elected officials, water plant operators, park officials,
conservancy groups, and people concerned with actions directed toward safe and
healthy Lake Erie are invited to attend.
William Creal of the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality and Karl Gephardt of the Ohio EPA will be keynote speakers at the
inaugural meeting of TMACOG’s Water Quality Council, discussing public policies
geared toward improving water quality in Lake Erie. A panel discussion following the keynotes featuring the leadership of
TMACOG’s water quality sub-committees will focus on the role of local
governments in protecting the lake and what policies TMACOG’s program
committees should consider.
This is the first meeting of the Water Quality Council and an
introduction to new sub-committees. TMACOG members have re-structured the
environmental department to directly focus on water quality initiatives in
northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. The sub-committees are:
- Public Water Supply
- Stormwater Coalition
- Wastewater
- Watersheds
- Regional Water Planning
There is no charge to
attend but please call to register: Joy Minarcin 419.241.9155 ext. 128.
Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |