Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nominations Sought for Natural Resources Assistance Council in Lucas County

The Lucas County Natural Resources Assistance Council District 12 (NRAC) is seeking nominations for four committee vacancies. The council is an 11-member committee that evaluates applications for and allocates grants from the Clean Ohio Fund in Lucas County. NRAC service is voluntary without compensation. The council is seeking nominations to fill four vacancies, serving three-year terms. TMACOG administers NRAC District 12 in Lucas County.

Qualified candidates can submit applications to TMACOG until August 14, 2015. To be a candidate for a position on the NRAC committee, an applicant must be appointed by one of the following types of organizations: 
  • Local government
  • Statewide organization representing agriculture or forestry
  • Conservation or environmental organization
  • Municipal park system or park district 
  • Business, realty, planning agency, or port authority
  • Soil and Water Conservation District
One nominee must be a representative from the park system or district category.
One other nominee must be a representative from a Soil and Water Conservation District.
The remaining two nominees may represent any of the above categories.
For more information about NRAC, please visit the websites and

Applicants should submit (1) the completed nomination form, (2) a resume, and (3) letter from their organization in support of their nomination. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on August 14, 2015. The nomination form is posted at:

For any questions, please contact Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning at TMACOG at 419.241.9155 ext. 126.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to Drive through a Roundabout Intersection

Even experienced, good drivers are a little confused when first encountering a roundabout. This video lets you try out a variety of scenarios to see how you should be maneuvering. One good tip is to select the proper lane before you enter the roundabout. You don't want to change lanes while you traverse the intersection. Enjoy!

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Monday, July 20, 2015

TMACOG Civil Rights Policy

TMACOG is required to regularly review and update the Title VI policy to state how the agency will comply with non-discrimination regulations. The new draft copy of the TMACOG policy is posted for public review on, under the Policy tab. The link is here

The updated policy describes how TMACOG includes a broad range of the interested public in planning activities and accommodates people with physical handicaps and language challenges. The policy includes forms and a complaint procedure for anyone who feels that they have been discriminated against based on protected status.  

Comments on the draft policy can be addressed to Bill Best, vice president of finance and administration and the staff person responsible for compliance, through Wednesday, September 2. E-mail or call 419.241.9155 ext. 108.

“No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Funding Available for Transportation Projects

TMACOG is soliciting transportation improvement projects to submit for funding through Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program. Applications are due July 24.

The Ohio statewide urban CMAQ committee is looking to fill funds for FY 2021. TMACOG is soliciting and scoring applications from Lucas and Wood counties. These regional projects will later be ranked statewide with Ohio's seven other Metropolitan Planning Organization submissions.

The available CMAQ funds for FY 2021 is approximately $57,000,000 statewide. Samples of projects that have been successful in applying for CMAQ funding include roundabouts, intersection improvements (adding turn lanes, signalization, etc.), transit improvements (bus replacements), road widening by adding lanes, and some bicycle projects.

Applications are posted here: under the TIP logo. Submit completed forms to TMACOG Transportation Planner Lance Dasher at 419.241.9155 ext. 115.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Seeking Nominations for Clean Ohio Fund Committee

The Lucas County Natural Resources Assistance Council District 12 (NRAC) is seeking nominations for four committee vacancies. The council is an 11-member committee that evaluates applications for and allocates grants from the Clean Ohio Fund in Lucas County. NRAC service is voluntary without compensation. The council is seeking nominations to fill four vacancies, serving three-year terms.

Qualified candidates can submit applications to TMACOG until August 14, 2015. TMACOG administers NRAC District 12 in Lucas County. To be a candidate for a position on the NRAC committee, an applicant must be appointed by one of the following types of organizations:

  •  Local government
  •  Statewide organization representing agriculture or forestry
  •  Conservation or environmental organization
  • Municipal park system or park district 
  • Business, realty, planning agency, or port authority
  • Soil and Water Conservation District
One nominee must be a representative from the park system or district category.
One other nominee must be a representative from a Soil and Water Conservation District.
The remaining two nominees may represent any of the above categories.

For more information about NRAC, please visit the websites and

Applicants should submit (1) the completed nomination form, (2) a resume, and (3) letter from their organization in support of their nomination. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. on August 14, 2015. The nomination form is posted at:

For any questions, please contact Kurt Erichsen, vice president of Environmental Planning at TMACOG at 419.241.9155 ext. 126.

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |