Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Acting Vice President of Transportation

David Gedeon, AICP, has been appointed Acting Vice President of Transportation at TMACOG following the departure of Warren Henry to the City of Toledo. Gedeon has been with TMACOG for 16 years. 

He started as a watershed planner in the Environmental Planning department in 1998. He has also led the Growth Strategies department, and was the Director of Commuter Services. He has been managing the Transportation Improvement Program (the TIP) for the last few years while handling Census data analysis and serving as staff liaison to the Air Quality Committee.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Annual TIP Report - see funding details

Click here to see a spreadsheet detailing transit projects that were awarded federal funding in Lucas and Wood counties in fiscal year 2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). Click here to see a spreadsheet detailing all roadway (excluding transit) projects that had federal authorizations for funding in fiscal year 2014. This includes authorizations for new projects and funding obligation increases for projects that were authorized in a previous fiscal year.

50-Year Anniversary for WSOS

Congratulations to TMACOG member WSOS Community Action which is celebrating 50 years of services in the TMACOG region.

In 1964, Seneca, Ottawa and Sandusky counties formed the SOS Community Action agency to

Upcoming Events - October 2014

Ohio Conference on Freight
September 18 & 19 at the Hyatt Regency, Columbus
Contact: Christine Connell, 419.241.9155, ext. 119

Student Watershed Watch – Testing Day
Waterways in various locations in northwest Ohio
Contact: Matt Horvat, 419.241.9155 ext. 123

Swan Creek Balanced Growth Best Practices Workshop:
Options for Compact and Conservation Development
Friday, October 17, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Grand Lobby of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza
Contact: Matt Horvat, 419.241.9155 ext. 123

Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Tuesday, October 28 at Langley Hall in Maumee
Contact: Lisa Kern , 419.893.1966

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

TMACOG Tech: Decoding Economic Development Programs

JEDZ, FTZ, OEDC, CDG, RED. Behind the jargon and acronyms are valuable programs that can fit your community’s economic development plans and assist your business community. Some programs may already be in place and underused. Learn about the available programs and evaluate them for your situation.

Wednesday, October 15 at 2 p.m.
(following the Board of Trustees meeting)

This TMACOG Tech session will be helpful for elected officials, economic development professionals, and jurisdictions interested in forming partnerships to foster regional economic development. 

Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments |

Protecting Water Quality Through Resourceful Teamwork

The early August water emergency in the Toledo area has brought attention to the way local experts protect water quality in this region. TMACOG’s four-person Environmental Planning staff is part of the region’s web of professionals who work full-time to research and address water quality issues.

TMACOG does not manage any water treatment plants or clean up chemical spills. The staff of the Environmental Planning department does facilitate coordination between waste water treatment facilities through the Areawide Water Quality Management Plan (the 208 Plan), shows municipal employees how to prevent and respond to spills, and identifies and expedites projects that improve water quality in watersheds throughout the region. All staff efforts are directed toward protecting and improving water quality in rivers and ultimately in Lake Erie.